Saturday 18 January 2020

Skillful 3: Reading and Writing, page 12 - Critical thinking, q.3 = strongest traits


The third critical thinking question that Rogers and Zemach ask us to discuss follows up the ideas in the classification of identity traits into three categories, which is in section 1 of the reading on page 11, "Types of Identity Traits" (2018).



As we have just done, for question 1, we will discuss Rogers and Zemach's question in a comment, giving us a more permanent record of our ideas in addition to getting in some practice writing for fluency in a less academic style, but still writing our ideas in grammatically complete sentences that clearly state our ideas. 


After planning for a minute or two, write down your response to Rogers and Zemach's critical thinking question 3 on page 12 in a comment below. 
"Which of your identity traits do you think are the strongest: ascribed, achieved, or chosen? 
  Do you think this is typical?" (2018, p. 12)
Again, a strong answer will relate this to your own experience with specific examples to support your main ideas. 


  • Rogers, L. & Zemach, D. E. (2018). Skillful 3: Reading & Writing (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education 


  1. My first thought was that my chosen identity traits were the most important in making me the person that I am, but as I thought about it more, I changed my mind. However, I don't want to prejudice the discussion by telling you my ideas now, so will wait to see what you write, and then I'll add a reply to develop my own answer to this critical thinking question that asks us to apply the ideas in the reading to ourselves.

  2. I thought achieved traits is the strongest because of acheives traits can shows your personal skills,ability,effort such as when you would like to be specialist in fashion .You have to put a lot effort to learn and practice to acheive it once. When you can acheived it and be specialist.It will your strong point and this point will give you more chance including growth up in career path or get a lot money from this. So that's why i selected acheived trait to be the strongest trait as it can categorize the diffent each person in global ways and it can be start point to shows who will success in their life someone be criminal ,some be professional etc.

  3. Personally, my strongest identity is the achieved traits because I would say that the achieved identity come from my personal preference and that i will attempt to achieve that in order to respond my preference. For example, I like the society, history and politics when I'm high school so that I would like to study in the related field which is political science. But, I need to practice more by reading to enter into this field in university to respond my preference. Therefore, when I achieve this, this is my strong trait because I like it and l can study effectively that can make me having a good grade and also having more knowledges about this field so, my achieve trait can provide opportunity to me for achieving another goal which is working in this field in the future.

  4. I had thought that achieved traits were the strongest. It reflects skills, abilities and efforts by the way we can practice to develop and also can change to another. Although changed, we still can practice to be good at the new one. As I’m student, I study hard to get grade A and I can take admission again for new faculty or the same faculty but, different university which would be better way and chosen by myself. Even though I will study in the new faculty, I also can study hard as before to get grade A, but it might be in different style to practice because the different faculty. Achieved traits opposite to the ascribed traits that are assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life and are occupied regardless of efforts or desire which I think, it’s the strongest trait. Individuals have control over their achieved traits insofar as there are no restrictions associated with their ascribed traits which can push their achieved traits higher if they have high ascribed traits such as born into a wealthy family with more resources than the others, so my final answer is ascribed trait is the strongest.

  5. So far, everyone disagrees with me, and the support you give for that disagreement shows careful thinking, which is what we want here. I also like that, although there are some similarities, different reasons are given for saying that I'm wrong. (No one directly said I'm wrong, but if you disagree with me, then you do think I'm wrong.)

    But I haven't changed my mind. I'm hoping that someone else might state and support the what I think about this critical thinking question.


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