Friday 25 April 2008

Blogging, Google Groups and Gmail: What do you think?

As a look through Quest Reading and Writing 2 (Quest) shows, each chapter has "response writing" activities. For example, in chapter 6, "Abnormal Psychology", there is one on page 182. The final instruction tells us what sort of sort activities these are: "Write for ten minutes. Don't worry about grammar and don't use a dictionary."

The questions to answer in your comment:
  • What is the purpose of these sorts of writing exercises in Quest?
  • How does this purpose relate to Blogging?
  • How might Google Groups fit in with that sort of writing activity?
    In case you don't know, Google Groups is a service that "allows you to manage ... your mailing list, [and] also provides a method for true communication and collaboration with group members" (from Google Groups Help Center).
  • Please feel welcome to share any related ideas you might have.

Note that this is a "response writing" activity. It is not academic writing, so write, write, write, and don't worry too much about the grammar. Definitely do not stop writing to look in a dictionary or other book, although you might like to have a quick look around Google Groups and think for a few minutes before you start writing, writing, writing.

This is part I of this class discussion. Part II is coming tomorrow, so please check back and share your ideas on that as well. Of course, you are also welcome to comment on a classmate's comment here.




  1. respose writing is the best way to practice English and it will make you can write your paragraph or essay very well. this will make you can write and speak more fluently. I think I cannot improve my English because I think about grammar, spelling or pronunciation very much every time when starting to write or speak. if i can do these activities without grammar I can do it more easier. This blog allow me to do respose writing. It is very good for me to practice and share my comment with other classmate. I like this blog very much and if I have much time, I will not hesitate to do this activities again.

  2. i think response writting is very useful people when write thire paragraph because when people can response writting we are not worry about grammar, spelling.. espescially me. when i write, i have many strees but now i'm free from strees. i'll practise every and i think i'll like responce writtind.

  3. I think I should do response writing one a week because it help me to improve my writing skill. And response writing is a style of natural writing for real life. Such as, writing letters to friends and chating someone by using hotmail. So it will reinforce my other writings- academic writing. I am not sure that this purpose relate to Blogging may be they have the same style to write-to write in natural English. Just for understanding between group and do not require formal English.

  4. the purpose of the response writting is the practice of english skill. If we practise every day, we can improve our writting skill examples how to get ideas, How to give reasons for the topic question. the respons writing does not concern about grammar. Therefore you feel free for your writting. you can generate more ideas as possible as you can. To generate ideas is very significant in the writting because in the toefl test or the real life, you have no much time to think topics. Thus the respone writting is good to practise my writting skill and I like to do it.

  5. Response writing is always improved to your English practice skill, and it can be helped for write your paragraph to essay as well. This will help you have to more fluently. I think I can improve my English skill as well with this method, because I can use brainstorm to made idea for writing skills and improving fluency writing. However, IELTS and TOEFL writing test that isn’t worried grammar, but the organization of a paragraph that is important for writing test. I sure to develop my writing skill with this method and I can make many ideas for write a paragraph an essay as well. This blog can be helped me to do response writing, and it can be shared my comment or ideas with my classmate to discussion. I like this blog, because it can be easy and free used for me and it is advantage for me.

  6. Response writing is one of the best way in order to improve your writing skill. You will definitely improve your writing skill as speedily as possible;therefore,Quest book choose this to be one of the exercise in the book. It will help students improve their writing process such as brainstorming, planning the writing, expanding the ideas and developing your ideas. Besides, blogging, google groups and gmail also can help you to improve your writing because you can expand your ideas and get a new suggestion from other people. According to this, it will feasibly fit with the sort of writing activity which is a good benefit for a good benefit for everyone.

  7. Idea is very important for writing.If I dont know how to get ideas, I ll not know what am I goin to write and I think it's very important basic skill for writing that everyone should do. Response writing activities is a sort of activity that will help me to get my idea easier and quicker because I dont have to think about grammar or spelling and I dont have to waste my time to organize the ideas that may be make me forget other ideas.This blog is give me a chance to write any topic or whatever that i want and i can also share my idea with others to compare and discuss about it.It ll be good to pratise writing everyday so i can do it efficiently in the future.^^

  8. Now we live in the world, so far, of globalization that beyond frontier this world. To communicate people, it is important to practice to be fluent in multi-language, especially in English. To practice response writing can make us improve many skills of English. You can use English skill in the way that naturally, so you have to think and write down just to create your idea. On the other hand if you have to describe the happened thing you could organize or write it chronologically. Moreover, web log (blog) could help your way to practice the response writing because another people could read your response writing and easy to be peer reviewers. Googles Groups contain a lot of people who can find your writing and probably, if you have any question in your comment you can ask or contract them. In my point of view, you can show your improvement to any body and it is a greeting way to share your ideas.

  9. Practicing response writing will help me to improve my writing skill to be fluent and I think it is true because before I study here some of my friends suggest me that I should write everyday to practice my writing skill and I have done as he said I have written mail almost everyday then I have began to writing faster than the past and it is easier to get the idea for writing. Let look back to the past when I started my first job I don’t know how to write email in English but my joy force me have to write English mail everyday to contact with my supplier I remember at the first time that I wrote it took time almost 1 hours per mail after 1 year. I think I can write many mail per hour because I can finish it faster. So this experience supports that idea to practice the response writing is a good way to improve the writing skill.

  10. Thanks everyone for the comments. The ideas you've shared have helped me a lot.


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