I think animals and humans are the same in they can survive for life and has own language in their group to communication. Human have intelligence more than animal and have knowledge for living differ from animal they live with instinct. Also human have knowledge can learn new things, make tools for living,make a social and adaptation. Animal can kill their own species in group for eating so human are the first predator with animal.
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Monday, 20 July 2009
How are animals and humans the same? How are they diffent?
In my opinion, the animals and humans are same in our located area and be alive on the earth but we have a lot difference in species, ability to solve problems, adaptation, and the important is the humans always are predator and other animals are victims. We can say humans more intelligent than other animals in the world. The question remind me to think about the animals and humans documentary, such as national geographic. It's give me more reasons animals and human are difference in morals and logic thinking. The humans have good morals, critical thinking and better in hunting than other animals. Even though the animals and humans are different and humans always hunts the animal for foods, colonies, and sports, humans can not alive without animals.
How are animals and humans the same? How are they different?
In my opinion, animals and humans have a lot of sames and differences.Firstly, they are live in the same space of the world that is earth, but humans live in the light room. Secondly, they are same animals because they eats food and drinks water but it's cook thorough the fire for humans, so it is different food with animals food because they can not use the fire to cook food.Thirdly, they have a same brain because they all of know competition in the nature,so they always have war each other. Sometimes, humans also have competition that is not different with animals competition because humans can control his brain because they have knowledge, so they always use good method to competition in the world.Most importantly,they have same love with different sex but it is not same with humans.Sometimes, humans also love same sex but animals never have this habit, so it is a different point about sex trend.
How are animals and humans the same? How are they different?
I think humans and animals are the same in comunication and surviver. The animals can comunicate in their group. They use body language and sound like humans. They do things just for suvive such as they hunt because they want to eat. Humans and animals are very differrent. We have own language and use it in only our group. The animal can't use our language. We can make tools and use it for survive. Some tools are very difficult to use. The humans are good at adaptation that is diferent from animals. Some animal can't adaptation that why they died in thousand million years ago.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Annoucement AEP for everybody
I was found a problem about Academic English Program at AUA because when my old classmates asked me "what is kind of class study David?", so I told them it was a AEP course for my study at AUA, however they din't know about this course because they just knew about regular course and special course in AUA. Actually, my old classmates include Thai peopl,Chiese people and other countries people. So, it is a problem for AEP very popular in AUA. In fact, when I introuced about AEP it was very prfessional English, such as good teacher, good book, and good enviroment for you study. It was made everybody exciting because they also want to progress English very quickly. Finally, I hope some people can realize this problem because it is very important for this good course.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Blythe Doll

Blythe doll was born in 1972 after that she was died in one year later because her oversize head ,big eyes and can change eyes color make children are scare. Blythe dolls are turn to popular from Gina,who published a Blythe dolls photo book,sold 100000 copies. Also Gina has own toy company and has agent in Japan.Blythe dolls are very popular in Japan so now are popular in Thailand to. People like Blythe because it is pretty so they can change clothe, modify face and bring doll to go with them anywhere.
"A BRIEF HISTORY OF BLYTHE AND HER REINCARNATION".(1990-2009 ).This Is Blythe. from http://www.thisisblythe.com/blythe_history.php
"A BRIEF HISTORY OF BLYTHE AND HER REINCARNATION".(1990-2009 ).This Is Blythe. from http://www.thisisblythe.com/blythe_history.php
What's do you think about the article(How the Market Works-Supply and Demand)?
In my opinion, I can not agree with this opinion because this is a freedom sysetem about business. Actuallly,so many econmy crisis cause of freedom system in the world. Firstly, the government should be control the price is stable because the price is very importamt for the market very good work.However, thehe market determines are very important but they have defect. For example, if some dishonest businessman control the market for his own advantage, but the government just sit back and watch without going to the rescue. So, the recult is a lot of people will be lost a lot of money in the market. Most importantly, if the market determine price that is not a safe market because the market don't know how to deal with crisis.
Monday, 13 July 2009
How the Market Work - Supply and Demand
I agree with the article because market price cannot be alone without supply or demand. I think it fair for customer and customer. If market doesn't have supply when products are out of stock products price are increase customer must pay more than real price unless necessity like a demand when in the market have overabundant product price is decrease producer is lose money but it good for customer to buy it in cheap price. I think balance is better.
Hown the Market Works-Supply and Demand
I agree with this article. I believe that it is good for us because we can be free to plan about marketing plan. We can use creative thinking to sell our cargoes. Although this system may be sometime unfair for some part (seller or buyer). According to the example in this article "in 1973, the Oil Producing Export Countries (OPEC) stopped sending oil and in 1979, the revolution in Iran made the price of oil went up again. Consumers and businesses looked for ways to use less gas and oil." But I find the positive side from this example because this system is one of the causes to makes us discover the new technology to solve the problem.
How the market works-supply and demand
I disagree with this article, the market should design the price of product by supply and demand. Nomally, the price of product has designed by supply and demand but some circumstance the government should be aware with unusual price, such as the higher usual price and lower existing price. Forexample, on the fruit seasons the market have fabulously with fruits, the supply more than demand so this reasons make the price of fruits very low. I think it's good for the consumers but it's very bad for the farmers. The government should interrupts this circumstance for help the farmer whose sell some fruits. Another example is the higher usual price, such as the price of gasoline. This is important product for a lot people in the world, if it stand in higher price how the pour people can buy it? This problem cause the higher inflation so the government should interrupts this higher price by many method, such as reduce gasoline taxes and establish the center of gasoline for sell in lower price.
What do I think about Supply and Demand.
After I read this article, I am clear about How the market work. I am agree with this article that the price of products in the market are depend on supply and demand. The Consumer like me will buy the product alot when it's low price. For example, I buy durean almost everyday because it's very low price. I still remember what happened last year. Sugar was expensive because someone store it. The price went up. I can buy sugar only 3 bags each time because there was a shortage of sugar. Until the Government said that we have enough sugar then people do not store it. The price of sugar went down and back to normal.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
work for myself or for another person
I prefer to work for myself because I don't want to work with under command, work under pressure, and competitive with my colleagues. Furthermore I can earn 100 percent of the profit and I can design my career. In my opinion, work for myself is under pressure more than work for another person because I must do my business to success more than do my work for complete. For that reasons I must dedicate my self to look for the business way to success and workaholic. Even though work for myself is harder to work for another person, it's worth when I success because I can earn all of the profit and increase my asset. I think do the business is challenging more than work for another person.
Would you like to work for yourself or another person?Explain your answer.
I would like to work for myself. There are many reasons for that answer. Firstly, I would like to make my life more easy. For example, I can make a holiday whenever I want to travel. Another reason is I can decide everything about my Job. If I work for another person I need to ask and wait for decision. That is annoy me sometime.Secondly, Work for myself It's mean that I am the boss. I think I will put alot of concentrate to my job. I will do everything that I can do to make the job very sucessful then I can see how much ability I have.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Why are some businesspeople more successful than others?
In my opinion, some businesspeople are successful than others because they can respond to all of customer need then they can make customer satisfaction in their product. They have a high promotes and advertisements in product than other company. Also I think product is main point for successful which they have a product in high quality and developed products all the time customer could be a royalty. However customer believe in company when company have new product customer buy it immediately,they don't hesitate in product. For example Nokia is a big and security company when they sell a new model mobile phone people not hesitate to buy a new model. Company can grow and earn a lot of money from customer.
Why are some businesspeople more successful than others?
In my opinion, some businesspeople more successful than others because they has a good responsibility. Actually, the pesoponsibility have a lot of aspect, such as social responsibility, family responsibility and consumer resoponsibility.So, if the businesspople has a good responsibility in his mind that will be help his business very good. For example, a good case as a success case in Tong Ren Tang because it is a famous medicine store in China. Firstly, this store have been opened about one hundred years in China. Secondly, the store medicine have been sold a lot of big countries, such as Amercia, England and Austrlia. Most importantly, when we talk about business in China that is a certification case about Tong Ren Tang has a good responsibility. Because they never produce unreal medicine. So, the product qualitiy also is a very important reason for the company will be very good business.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
The Danger of Positive Thinking
I just read Biab's post "Solo life ups gene dementia risk", and her last sentence reminded me of "Self-help 'makes you feel worse' ", which I read on the BBC News a couple of days ago. This article is in the health section, and reports on research published in the academic journal Psychological Science. The researchers' discovered that a common believe that many people hold appears to be wrong. Many people believe that having a positive mental attitude and saying positive things to yourself helps people to be more positive and healthy, and to achieve more, but the facts show that this believe is false. In fact, for people with low self-esteem, the usual advice about being positive makes them more depressed and makes other problems worse. Actually, I'd seen the same research reported earlier in one of the science magazines I read, but we're blogging the BBC this week, so I'm glad it was there on Friday.
This article interested me not just for the results, which I think are important, but because it shows how important it is to test our beliefs about the way the world works. I have been hearing for many years the same idea: that we should be positive, that a positive mental attitude can achieve anything, and so on. I always thought this was wrong in at least one way. It just isn't true that everyone can do everything. It is impossible that I could be a great tennis player, and telling myself I could be would simply be lying to myself. And when I was at school and university, it was obvious that not all people were equally intelligent, and no amount of hard work or positive mental attitude could change that.
But the new results are more serious, they show that telling people who are depressed to cheer up and be positive, that they can solve all their problems is not only a lie, but that it can make their psychological problems much worse. This fits with other research I've read about which suggests that there are good evolutionary reasons why human beings, and probably other animals, have depression: it appears to help us to be more honest about the world around us, which is not always wonderful, and having an accurate and honest understanding of the world we live in is very useful to living successfully in the world.
So, the next time some is depressed or feeling low, perhaps honesty would be more useful than a false positive message that they cannot believe.
Self-help 'makes you feel worse'. (2009, July 3). BBC News. Retrieved July 5, 2009 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8132857.stm
Solo life ups gene dementia risk
Today, I read an interesting article on the BBC News. The title is "Solo life ups gene dementia risk" (2009) The researchers said that"APOE variant 4 is the most genetic risk factor for Alzleimer's" The article also tell about whoever carry this gene and living alone will high risk three times to be dementia.Middle-age had twice the risk of dementia than people who were living with a partner. The risk affects those who split up or were widowed from their long term partner before the age of 50. I think this is interesting because I see many people living alone and they are unhappy. They are low activities and look sad. Maybe these reasons make people to be sick. I think those people should go out and meet some friends. They should not stay at home and do nothing. However people who have a single life should be avoid too. We should go out to meet friends,exercise and be healthy. I think most important is try to be possitive thinking.
"Solo life ups gene dementia risk"(2009, July 2). BBC News.Retriveved July 5, 2009 http://news.bcc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8130255.stm
"Solo life ups gene dementia risk"(2009, July 2). BBC News.Retriveved July 5, 2009 http://news.bcc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8130255.stm
Swine flu spread unstoppable
This is an article interesting news from BBC News. The title is "Are you worried about swine flu?"(2009). According Speech The UN's top health official by Dr.Chan M "The spread of the virus worldwide is now unstoppable" and "H1N1 cases are mild, with many people recovering unaided" That's interesting news. Even though H1N1 is uncontrol for human, the patien can recovery by medical treatment. This virus is unstoppable so it close to every person in the world. I think the affected by swine flu virus is violent but we can precaution our self. For example avoid esposure in the rain, escape from the people sneezing and make our body strong by exercise. Even though we can not avoid this virus, we can reduce the high risk by make our body strong.
"Are you worried about swine flu?" (2009, July 3). BBC News. Retriveved July 5, 2009 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8130196.stm
"Are you worried about swine flu?" (2009, July 3). BBC News. Retriveved July 5, 2009 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8130196.stm
London Olympics stadium design could change again
Last night I found the interesting news on the internet. It’s about the Olympic Stadium. I believe that many people know the Olympic Game is the biggest sport competition in the world and London was selected to set up this competition. At the present time one of the highlight in Olympic Game is the Olympic stadium, such as the nest stadium in China. Then a lot of pecple are looking forward to see the new Olypic stadium in London soon but I was just heard the surprising news about it. That is “London Olympics stadium design could change again” (Hurst, 2009). The content of news explains about changing design of Olympic stadium in the last minute. I think that is surprising and interesting because it is quite the big challenge to build this stadium in time. However Margaret Ford, who is the one of stadium designers, told London’s Evening Standard newspaper that “the beautiful stadium could be successful as an all-year visitor attraction.” Finally, we must push forward that they can build the stadium in time because the Olympic stadium is the icon of the biggest sport competition in the world and fullfill the dream the people, who loves sport.
Hurst, W. (2009, June 29). London Olympics stadium design could change again. bd: The Architect's Website. Retrieved July 5,2009 from http://www.bdonline.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=426&storycode=3143709&channel=426&c=1
Hurst, W. (2009, June 29). London Olympics stadium design could change again. bd: The Architect's Website. Retrieved July 5,2009 from http://www.bdonline.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=426&storycode=3143709&channel=426&c=1
Andy challenge for Roger in Wimbledon
This is an interesting news come from NewYork times. The title is "Roddick's Test in the Final: Him Again"(CHRISTOPHER CLAREY,July 4, 2009). Maybe, this is a bad thing for Andy Rodick because he has been lost two times with Roger Feder in Wimbledon finall game. However, this time is a certificate for Andy Rodick to win Roger in Wimbledon. Most importantly, I think it is a difficult time for Roger because he never meet Andy rodick before two thousand five years at any final games. So, it is not easy for Roger because he don't uderstand Andy Roddick right now. Finally, it is a fantastic moment for fans to appreciate the last match in Wimbledon.
The title is a "Roddick's Test in the Final:Him Again",written by Christopher Clarey(July4, 2009), New York times
The title is a "Roddick's Test in the Final:Him Again",written by Christopher Clarey(July4, 2009), New York times
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Japan's fashion rebellion goes West
Today, I see an interesting article on the BBC News. The title is "Japan's fashion rebellion goes West" (2009). It's interesting because Japanese culture come to Western. In the past Western culture came to Asia,it's admired suddenly. Nowaday some of British teenagers group interest in Japanese culture, they makeup with dark tan skin ,white make up around eyes and mouth, it's call Manba. Manba come from name of mountain hag who is Yama-uba in Japanese folklore . They met other members in China town where they dress up and make up full option,one member "Eilish says that people often don't want to sit next to them ".
Robinson, N. (2009,July 3). Japan's fashion rebellion goes West. BBC News. from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8132726.stmFriday, 3 July 2009
Something to listen to
This is in reply to Apple's comment in reply to Lily on "My name's Apple" (apple, 2009).
There is a lot of rubbish, and a lot of stuff that I'm not interested in on YouTube, but a lot of great talks and lectures are also posted there. One YouTube member that I like a lot is TED, which is an organization that brings together leading scientists, philosophers, other academics, business leaders, and others every year. They then post all the talks online at YouTube.
The talks last about 30 minutes each. They are for an educated audience, but are not highly technical.
The TED talks Director enty page, with the talks listed by popularity, is probably a good place to start. The link is http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=TEDtalksDirector&view=videos&sort=d
If you're looking for something to listen to, have a look around. There is a wide variety of speakers, on a wide variety of topics, from modern physics to the role of religion in modern society. And it's easy to pause, go back, and listen again. You might even enjoy the talks as I do.
apple. (2009, July 3). Comment posted to My name's Apple. On AEP at AUA - Peter's Classes. Retrieved July 3, 2009 from http://peteraep.blogspot.com/2009/07/my-names-apple.html?showComment=1246619326717#c8201127760301972696
TED: Ideas worth spreading. On YouTube. [Entry page] http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=TEDtalksDirector&view=videos&sort=d
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
About Biab
My name is Rabiab. I am 33 years old. I have worked as a nurse for 9 years. since I was a nurse, I was unhappy. there were many things pressure on the ward and I was't person who want to stay on situation like that. I wanted to be a normal life, For example I did't want go to work at the night time. I wanted to sleep all night with out set the alarm clock. In 2007, I have decided stop with my job. I like to cook and bake, so I went to school and take a short course about 3 months. Last two years, It was a great time for me because I can do anything that I want to do. I do miss my job in a hospital but I really don't like to go back any more. I am more happy to work in a small kithchen with a little money than work in a hospital. I find my self more relax and happy when cooking or baking somthing. It is very fantastic time for me.
More about Peter
I've written about myself several times on this blog, but this time I want to relate my ideas to the article "The Right Job for You" on pages 26 -7 of Quest (Hartmann & Blass, 2007). First, what do I do best? I think that I'm good at critical thinking. I enjoy thinking things through, and I like to understand things, especially questions about ethics, justice and the nature of human beings. Although my earliest interests were science and mathematics, I ended up with a major in philosophy. At university, I studied philosophy along with mathematics and a few other subjects. I did well in these, and I enjoyed them. I still read philosophy today. I think this also shows my values. One of my values is a concern for the truth. I want to know what is true and what is false. This is not always popular with other people: some of my opinions upset people, and although I don't want to do that, I think it's usually better to upset people than to accept lies. Lies and ignorance are not solid foundation for a healthy society. One example that often shocks people is that I am sure that most counties' drug laws are both immoral and very bad for society. It would be better for drug users, addicts, ordinary people, families, politics, the economy and Thai society if, for example, Thailand legalised all drugs and started treating drug abuse as a health problem, not a criminal problem. The facts all support this, and so does justice. It is very sad when the law is unjust and harmful to society. It is worse when that injustice is so popular, as anti-drug laws are in Thailand and other countries. One example is that even people who don't like Taksin Shinawatr still think his evil wars on drugs were a good thing! They were not. They were legal murder on a large scale. I've expressed my ideas on this matter and usually the response is surprise or shock, so I've tried to explain why this very unusual opinion is in fact better than the policy still adopted in most countries and believed in by many people. Usually, people don't agree with me, even though they don't have any good reason for thinking that drugs such as heroin, marijuana, alcohol, cocaine and so on should be illegal.
How about you? Do you think my concern for critical thinking and justice has led me to a wrong opinion about drug laws? Why? Another thing I value is free speech so that these sorts of questions can be discussed. The only way to correct false or unjust beliefs is to discuss them critically. If a topic is censored, then speech is not possible and knowledge about that topic is impossible.
Now I've written a lot more than the five sentences suggested in exercise F. on page 40, so I'll stop here. This is not an academic writing, so I didn't worry too much about organization or sticking to a topic. I just wrote down the ideas that came into my head. It's also obvious that I haven't worried too much about providing the strong support that my opinions need, but if you would like to disagree, please add a comment explaining why you think I'm wrong, and I will then defend my opinions.
Hartmann, P. & Blass, L. (2007). Quest 1 Reading and Writing (2nd. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill
About Lily
My name is Nisanat Jirasit my nickname is Lily but someone call me Ly, I don't know why? but I thought it is easily. I graduated bachelor's degree from Mahidol university when I was a student in my university I had two english subject in the first year after that I never studied english and I though my English was bad. Now I study at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang on Saturday and Sunday. My major is International management of resource and environment, this course English is necessary to study. Although I found AEP course at AUA I though it was intensive course to developed my English, I wasn't declined to chose it. I have studied AEP since June 15,2009. I have studied for two weeks, it have improved my english a lot. I think when I want to improve my english I must usually review it.
About Pod
My name is Chakis Thuranikorn and my nickname is Pod. My birthplace is Udornthani. I have lived in Bangkok to learn at the university for 5 years. I graduated from Silpakorn University. I started to work the Architectural firm in last year. that really made me to know the importance of english language. When I have time, I'm not hesitate to learn English language and I choose AUA. Although I didn't use to study at here in the part but now I'm studying in the Academic English Program. I interest this program because I think it is very intensive and that is very good for me.
My name's Apple
My name is Nisarat Mekputtanakit and my nicname is Apple. I'm studying at AUA in AEP program level one. I have been learning in AEP English program for three weeks from June 15, 2009 until now. Perter Filicietti is my teacher. Even though he assigns us a lot of homework, he is a kind and helpful teacher. Although I have to learn English at primary school since I was seven years old, I haven't good in this language. More over I don't like to learn in this subject. Now I can't denied to learn English language more because it is essential to use in pressent work. Today I really like to learn in English language because I find a new good teacher. Peter is an intelligent teacher. He usually knows what his students mistake in English language and how to solve that ploblems. Unbelievable I can improve my language ability for three weeks. Now I feel impress to learn English language more.
Introduce myself
My name is David and I am from China of Bei Jing. I am twenty three years old right now. I have lived in Thailand of Bangkok for five month. I lived in China with my parents before I lived in Thailand of Bangkok. I live in an apartement by myself right now. I have lived in an apartement for five month. I am study at AUA of AEP couse right now. I have Studied Regular course for five month at AUA. I have finished Level tweleve about Regular course. I liked to study at AUA because it was very prfessional teacher and good atmosphere in library.I am student at Rangsit University right now.I have studied at Ransit University for two month.I like Thailand of Bangkok right now.
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