Tuesday 27 October 2009

Junk food Band?

When reading the BBC article, “Leisure centre 'junk food' alert”, I wonder that why a writer pay attention only children for reasoning to ban junk snacks in vending machine.

The article is about the vending machines which sell unhealthy snacks and usually set up in places where children often go to do useful activities should be banned because it is useless to children. Snack were high in sugar, fat, and salt (2009, ¶ 8) which take more time and do heavy activities to use up calories from them. There are cause to make “children obesity” (2009, ¶ 1). Many professionals offer a lot of methods to avoid consuming snacks of children from the vending machines which are easier to buy. Some schools and government have policy to forbidding sale these goods, changing them from unhealthy to healthy, or following and checking them. These health issues have bad effected to children.

I think that if unhealthy snacks were harm to children why others would not got bad effect from consuming them. In my opinion, adult want calories less than children. I suppose that if both groups consumed these foods in the same amount, the disadvantages would occur in adults more than children. Moreover, adults would have more risk to be illness than children. For examples, if both adults and children eat unhealthy food which has 300 calories, the processes of using up in each age are different. For health, the rest calorie makes children to b obesity, but it develops cardiovascular disease to adults. When considering to severity, I think the bad effect from consuming junk food is more violent in adult than children. So, if junk food in vending machine were banned, selling it in other places should be prohibited, too. __________
Leisure centre 'junk food' alert. (2009, October27). BBC News. Retrieved October 27, 2009 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8325859.stm


  1. I agree with your opinion about adult want calories less than children and they have more risk health problem. However, do you think many of adult, who die from fat disease, cause by they collect fat in childhood?
    Moreover, I think we don't have to ban junk food in adult place because they can make decision in adult thinking; alcohol and cigarette didn't ban for them too, despite it is unhealthy.
    Should we let children consume what ever they want or control them in some case?

  2. My answer to Tan's question is We should not let children consume what ever they want, but we should control them because there are many delicious foods in the world that can make children healthy. Parents can find something else to their children by not giving them the unhealthy foods. Moreover, children can buy junk snacks from vending machine directly. This makes them out of Parents'eye sight so, it is hard to control their limits.

  3. In my opinion, I agree with Tan because children can not make thier decision to buy unhealthy or healthy snack. If they can buy unhealthy snack easy, children will consume so much. Furthermore, most of places where children like to go and vending machine buy unhealthy snack are game cafe or places where have no activity for health to children. I think that vending machine' ban is good for them.

  4. I left my comment on this issue on Tan's post, so I won't repeat it here.
    But I'm not sure that something should be banned just because it can be unhealthy. Only excessive junk food is unhealthy, not moderate amounts, which are just a fun addition to a diet.
    If you think that everything that can be unhealthy must be banned, then you also have to ban a lot of traditional Thai meals, such as Khao Kaa Muu, and other heavy fat foods. All soft drinks would be banned, too. And all traditional Thai sweets using sugar, which is very unhealthy in excessive quantitites. In fact, it would be necessary to ban all cakes and other sweets. Somehow, this does not seem right to me: just because some children make bad choices sometimes, you cannot punish everyone everywhere by banning something that they enjoy.


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