Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) turn on again

From the article, "Particle beams injected into LHC", in BBC News it make me exciting to here this news which is show LHC status, and I think that it is the good news for scientists who want to know unknown facts of the Universe.

According to the article, scientists complete fix LHC machine and “have successfully injected beams of particles into two sections” (2009, ¶ 1) of the eight sections of these machine. The LHC switch-off after it turn on in 2008 because of “a magnet problem” (2009, ¶ 5) when liquid helium leak into the tunnel. After engineers successfully fix the huge machine, they switch-on and inject the beam of protons and lead ions to the LHC. This process is successful with clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. The hope of scientists who work with this project wish “to see new particles in the debris” (2009, ¶ 17) of particle impact which make them known 'the “Big Bang” and the nature of the Universe' (2009, ¶ 17).

In my opinion, when LHC work again and display the success of experiment, engineers and scientists should do in this project continuously and invite scientists or people who have ideas to seek the success of project around the world because the result of experiment will expose completely as soon as possible. The study of particle secrets is very interesting because scientists will know more about particles which show differently special qualifications. If the result of particle collisions can reveal the secret of universe it will be the vast discovery of humans. We will know how the universe born and perish, then they will seek the way to prevent that event occur. Moreover, scientists would find the new particles which will make benefit to our lives. Even though the cost of this project is very high, the thing that we will get from this project may be the vast majority benefit and the major aim of project is survival of humans. I think that the knowledge is investment.
Particle beams injected into LHC. (2009, October 26). BBC News. Retrieved October 27, 2009 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8326666.stm


  1. As an engineer, I have learned that big bang theory refers to the method that universe is created from extreme densities,temperatures, and large particle accelerators. Kriss's idea may be right about new particles which can lead us to the origin of universe , but you can not show that this particles is the same particles which create the universe,the large particles accelerators. To illustrate, you should give more details of this particle how it differs from others. Moreover, the experiment should also focus on temperatures and densities too, not only particles.

  2. What I thought was amazing was the enormous size and cost of doing the research necessary to find out about the smallest parts and earliest times of our universe.
    I think it is money very well spent, and that a lot more should be spent on science, which is the only hope humans have for a continued existence, especially in the face of things like global warming, which it is already too late to stop.

  3. Wow it is very interesting topic.


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