Tuesday 12 January 2010

Good World News

The article " UK 'close to leaving recession' " in the Business section of the BBC News catch my attention because it confirms that the world economic downturn reach the peak and start to get recovering.

The news report that the UK economy show many good signs of recovering. After the country faced with the recession starting from the beginning of the last year, at present the economist evaluate that the UK economy is going to get recovering in the near future. It can be seen from many important statistic figure for example, the increasing of export's figure in manufacturing sector and the reduction of unemployment figure. The article also gives information that France and Germany have just escaped from the recession. (π12)

I delight to hear that many countries successionally start to get recovery from the crisis. Remembering that in the past few years, we continued heard about the bad news such as the company collapsing, the jobless workers.
Also in Thailand, in globalization, Thailand cannot escape from this situation, we also have got the impact indirectly. However, we can handle with them because Thais got some lessons from the 1997 Asian financial crisis that the cause is from Thailand and spread to Asian region and contagion to the world. However, some optimist still doubt that the recession is reach the bottom or not. However, it is a good news for many people who suffer from the crisis because it help to create confidence for getting better life in the near future.

UK 'close to leaving recession'.
BBC News. Retrieved January 12, 2010.

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