Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Is global warming the real deal?

There is an article named "Science must end climate confusion" in BBC News that I've found quite interesting and want to share it with my classmate.

Betts, the author of this article, is a scientist who focusing his work on global warming and he's getting tired of explaining to every single person he knows of the different between climate and weather. There are some skeptics who always arguing that there is no global warming and the scientists just made this issue up because they want to increase their fund. Betts disagrees with these people, he states that there is global warming, the climate is really changed, and you can not just look at one winter and jump to the conclusion that the world is not getting hotter! Indeed, according to Betts, the last decade is the warmest so far and the temperature has been sing up since 1980s. Not only the skeptics that Betts is tired of, but also people who blames every disasters on climate change and people who has hidden agendas behind their supports. However, Betts thinks that the most importance thing to do now is to "be very clear about what can be used as evidence for or against climate change."(Mixed messages, ¶11) He also gives example that the individual weather events such as heatwaves or big freezes are not meant to be used as an evidence to support global warming.

As for me, I strongly agree with Betts that the fact about global warming is not being communicated well nowadays. People just don't understand correctly and go panicking around whenever the weather getting strange, which some time has nothing to do with climate change at all, it's just a weather, people. Scientists are surely have responsibility to explain precisely to the public and I mean publish the expanation in the way that normal people can easily access to and understand. The scientists shouldn't be used by the press, actually they're supposed to use the press to get to people's mind.

Betts, R. (2010, January 11). Science must end climate confusion. BBC News. Retrieved January 19, 2010 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8451756.stm


  1. That is a very intriguing news, by that I mean you have made a sound summary; moreover, I do believe what Betts mentioned that it is almost impossible to conclude every thing by looking at one piece of evidence.

  2. I agree with Butt's proposal. The coldest whether pervailing in EU is one of the example of global climate imbalance.


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