Monday 1 October 2018

An experiment which contrast with the Quantum Mechanics theory

What I read

Referring to the Scientific American article "Reimagining of Schrödinger's Cat Breaks Quantum Mechanics—and Stumps Physicists" (2018) illustrates that two physicists, Frauchiger and Renner, had tried to prove the Copenhagen interpretation, which is founded by Niels Bohr and Weinger Heisenberg, by adjusting the experiment of a paradox, which are replaced by two physicist friends instead of cats and a person by the Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner. In terms of the experiments, one of the physicists, Alice, tossed the coin and sent a clue to the other box, which Bob will be using his knowledge of quantum mechanics to answer. In response, after they got off, each gave their own certain answers, but in contradiction. This indicates that the Copenhagen interpretation could be concluded as it would not be precise in reality.


My response 

Due to the article that I read, It was really difficult to understand the meaning of all the text, which has written in the website. As the result, I have to surfed for more information, which is stated that the Copenhagen interpretation or the quantum mechanics doesn't admit a precise value of the system. Processes in the interpretation are stationary and transitional, for the static state, the initial and final condition is the same, while the transition state, they are different, but those values are only probabilistically comparing to Classical quantum, which all of the factors must be taken into account, preparative, intermediary, and finally measuring. 

When I thought of the possibility of Bob would be hearing the signals which Alice gave, is quite impossible because they were in different boxes, even the tossing sound was on the amplifier, the only way of predicting the result is to listen to it super carefully, of course, there must be an impact reflecting from the floor before stop rotating, that's the only way to predict its shown face. The important things is that, sending the message to Bob by using quantum physics? How is that possible? Quantum physics is about the study of the behavior of photons, electrons, the other particles and wave, but the human ability aren't capable of detects the tiny-micro wave and particles. So, different environment, places and surrounding would be result in a different way.

I'll show you the example of what I think it is similar, we are in a big room, is separated in 2 sections, which has the same room temperature at 25 degree Celsius. When two people enter in different section, the room temperature will change depending on the visitor's body. Referring to the reality, you will see that everything is unpredictable, even using the theorem which founded in the past. The world is not orbiting around yourself, so, the things that someone has stated before another could be mistaken. We shall understand, correct the mistake and accept to improve further instead of being shock.


My question

What do you think about an experiment that contradict the Quantum mechanics which stated above?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In my opinion, this is not experiment to prove something about Quantum mechanics because, as you said above,Quantum physics is about the study of the behavior of photons, electrons, the other particles and waves. Furthermore, the coin is homogeneous solid mass, why each face of it should give different sound. Simply, I would like to say this experiment will not give any information about Quantum Mechanics and it may give some ideas about predictions and statics only.

  3. In my point of view, the experiment in this article is not relevant to the quantum machanics. It does not mention to quantum machanic factors such as photons, electrons or others. So, it probably seems to be a study of cat’s behaviour.

  4. As Bubble notes, her chosen article is very complex. It does, after all, come from a source well down on my list. And quantum mechanics is itself extremely complex and weird for humans who cannot intuitively see things in the way that reality appears to be at the deepest level we've been able to investigate so far.

    The thought experiment is strictly theoretical, but at the very least I thought it a useful reminder that almost everything we know is less than 100% certain, and that old certainties are constantly being overthrown be better modern observation and reasoning, something that I think is also true in ethics and politics as it is in science and technology. We should expect to do better than our ancestors and to correct their mistakes. We now know, for example, that slavery, sexism and homophobia are morally wrong, whereas these were all accepted by our ancestors as right! They were wrong.

    My response has moved a long way from Bubble's summary and response to an imagined experiment, but that's OK. Our purpose here is to respond fluently, not to spend two hours planning and writing an academic essay: that's on our list of things to do tomorrow morning.


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