Monday 8 October 2018

What's make people commit suicide?

What I read

In “Why Do People Kill Themselves?”, an article in Scientific American (2018), reports that, people cannot perceive the Neurochemical working process of the brain, even those who was in the suicidal affair cannot understand what they thought because of the too complexity of human behaviour. The reason why they commit suicide is divided into two main categories, DNA, the genetic which experts given their explanation as “dizzying in their variety”, is the cause of death of 43 percent among the population who have suicidal behaviour, and the other reason is by the surrounding environment, for example, social, academic career and etc, could be the beginning of the depression, leads the remaining of 57 percent belongs to the environment factor.


My response 

Suicide is an action that I never ever thought of committed it due to serious injuries later on after retrieving the consciousness or probably already be a death body. From my point of view, suicide has many options for the people to choose, for instance, jumping from height, cutting wrist, poisoning, hanging, self-strangulation etc. All of choices that I mentioned above, of course, are out of my interest because it’s lethal and I have to endured too much pain before die. If asking me to choose one option, I would prefer shooting myself by a gun, because it is less pain as possible as it could be. About the depression, I manage by finding things to do - reading novels is one of my  option - instead of being sad and adventure in bad memories.

In middle of this year, I talked to my friend who has Major Depressive Disorder, MDD. When my friends and I was talking about why people commit suicide and what are they thinking, my friend who had MDD said, “I had been in that state before, at that time I don’t think of anything even my family, I only thought that if I gone from this world, everything would be better and everybody would be happier.” I was lost after hearing her story and shocked after knowing that she hurt herself because she wanted to called back her consciousness. This occurrence is to shared an experienced to remind everybody not to ignore the people besides and expressed your feeling towards them before it is too late.

My question

If you were depressed with the surrounding environment and the solution of yours is not committed suicide, what will you do, and why make you think you will be able to get yourself to do that?



  1. This is a great article. I, sometimes, have hard time to manage my emotion which leads me once think about committing suicide, I even hurt myself. At that moment, there's nothing in my head but pain and emptiness. I've tried to figure the answer out what lead me to that point. Do I have to see psychiatrist of need a therapy? But this article, answer me a part of my answer that cause of it is gene.

    IN an addition, in accordance to your question, I quite hard to answer that even I often get depressed by surrounding. Anyway, I, myself, will cry out loud, try to discuss what make me feel depressed with myself and also try to find the answer online.

  2. For me, I have many options to do if I get depressed with the surrounding environment. First of all, I will ignore the thing made me feel depression. I know that it isn't easy to ignore all the time and especially from people that you work with them daily, but I am keeping this option on the top. Another option is "talking with family members, close friends, or positive people". When you find good listener to your problem, you will surely feel better. If these two choices don't work, then I will go out to the nature, of course, alone. You can go to sea, forest, farms, etc. These places are the best for contemplation and recovery.

  3. It’s really interesting issue nowsaday. Many people have depression or hopeless mostly think self-murder is the best way to escape their depression or other problem that they face. According to your question, I have not to solve the problem by thinking suicide because it is not the correct way. I believe in the sermon of the buddha suggesting the devotees that know well what leads you forward and what hold you back and choose the path that leads to wisdom based on correctness; moreover, humans who died by self-murder will get hardness karma. It means that they cannot born again until they have no aged and got completely punishment in hell. To solve the depression or face with other problems, I usually talk my depression, problem or worried thing to my close friends or my family and sometimes I go running because it make me fresh and my brain will free. 😂😂😂

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your topic hit me so hard. I have manny things to share from my own experiences. I have two friends who are under different depression state. One has injured herself a lots of times in various ways. Another feels sick of living but, fortunately, he still fears of height and pain. Both of them have something in common. They think that it must be happier if they just disappear. All of stress and hardness in life will suddenly and completely be gone forever, including their lives.

    To be honest, I used to feel like disappearing, too. This is because of life crisis I faced in the past. However, the reason why I am still here, studying Academic writing to develop myself with you all, is that I think It's too easy to end problems with this solution. Moreover, I still have dream to pursue and family to take care of.

    If you feel sad, remember that you have got numberless fellows who have the same or even worse problems than you.

  6. Like the earlier commentators, I found that Bubble's source and her own reflections on the topic of suicide brought up many issues and thoughts. I've also been a fan of Schermer for many years, so followed Bubble's link to her source and read Schermer's full article, which isn't that long. I'm also a fan of Bering, who is Schermer's primary source.

    The thing that struck me was how poorly we humans are at knowing why we do what we do, and why we feel what we feel. As Bubble points out, citing Schermer, who has cited Bering, our genes are major causes of not only the colour of our eyes, but of our psychology. This is not surprising, since it has long been known that intelligence is largely inherited, and growing up on a farm, I knew that has been known for centuries, if not longer, that friendly dogs are more likely to give birth to friendly dogs. We are, it would seem, largely determined, or made, by factors beyond our control.

    When I feel depressed, as I'm sure most of us do from time to time, I try to remind myself that my thinking is likely wrong, and that whatever I'm feeling will change. Unfortunately, this is not always easy to do when we feeling depressed and everything seems black forever.

    1. ANd as so many of your excellent posts on our blog are, Bubble has suggested another topic that could make a strong choice of a modern issue to write an essay on.

      For example, I think that the law should allow suicide, and that doctors should be able to help people who have good reasons for ending their lives, as some do: not all suicides are a result of irrational depression. But perhaps someone would like to write an essay to support a different viewpoint over this one.


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