Wednesday 3 October 2018

Mental Health is a thing

What I read

Infograhic of American statistic of depression
Source : Cigna
In ‘The surprising truth about loneliness’ Hammond C. (2018) reported the result of an online survey showing that adolescences feel lonelier than elders as there are changes happened at that age making them lonely and separate. Some people agreed that loneliness may be optimistic. Furthermore, neuroscientist, Cacioppo J., supported that when people feel they are segregated and feel lonely, they will find a way to contact others. However, people should not feel lonely chronically because it will become a depression later. The survey also reported that an anxiety from social situations makes lonely people harder to handle the situations not a lack of social skill. And winter is not the worst season for lonely people as thought. 


My response 

I identified myself as an introvert since I do love being alone and separate from a crowded, spend my weekend at a cozy corner of the coffee shop with a cup of Americano, hate taking part of social activities and prefer having a few close friends. Lots of my friends told me that they had never imagined those would be my lifestyle as I always am energetic, enthusiastic, friendly and easy-going person. When I told them those are what I consistently do, they kept asking me 'Don't you feel lonely nor boring the things you do? It kind of corny and dull.' I, at that time, was thinking about the answer for that question. I tried to figure out why I never feel lonely or I do feel lonely but I know how to deal with it and Eureka! I got it, the answer is 'I do feel lonely but I know how to deal with it'. I personally think that feeling lonely is good for me somehow. Firstly, There are plenty time for me to take care of myself (physically and mentally) as I regularly won't hang out with my friends, thus I also have time for my family. In an addition, there is a time to better myself such as study more and learn new things.

A trend of depression and suicide in Thailand from 2009-2016
Source: World Health Organization (WHO)
However, in accordance to the article, most of feeling lonely people is in the age of 16 to 24 years old and chronically feel lonely. The thing that we should think further is whether it does not stop only feeling lonely, what should we do? The result of the survey quite surprised me that even Thailand, a country where is in the opposite side of the world to the UK, the result is almost the same. Moreover, a situation, here in Thailand, should be concerned crucially as the number of depression patient and suicide during 2009 to 2016 is gradually rising year-by-year. (as in diagram) 

Some of my friends had a depression, they have problem to manage their feeling and thought and tried to homicide many times but they still had self-conscious not to homicide themselves because they felt sorry to their family. Therefore, I have tried to figure the way out to help them and found that what I could do to primarily help them is to listen but no suggestion. They just need someone to listen to their problems and concerns and not to sorry or feel pitiful that they have the depression. Moreover, I also recommend them to see a psychiatrist for a proper treat. Now, they are better and happier than the previous gloomy days of them.


My question

If one of your precious ones have a depression, what would you do?



  1. The content is so interesting. I believe that this topic is what many people can easily feel related to. No one can stick with us all the time. At the end of the day, we all have to stay alone with ourselves. So, the best way is to stay happy with ourselves and avoid relying our happiness on others. When I realize this, I become more self-independent. I cannot completely say that I love doing activities alone. I love meeting new friends, doing new activities with people and hanging out with my beloved one, too. However, I enjoy spending time doing my hobbies alone, such as cooking, working out and reading books. I recognise myself as ambivert person but someone who don't know me well usually think of me as an introvert person or a nerd. On the contrary, some of them totally changed their mind when they have learnt more about me. All in all, If you feel lonely, trust me, you're not lonely alone.

  2. This topic is interesting me, and you question is very difficult for me. When I need to help my important ones that have a depression, I don’t know how can I do for them. I’ve ever heard about this disease which if you say something that affect to them, and they feel more down than before, they will have some opportunity to kill themselves. I think, the one thing that can help them is bring them to the psychiatrist. This is the best way for me to help them.

    1. but in my perspective, expect bringing them to psychiatrist, other members in family are able to help them as I mentioned in my response. There's no need to response them with harsh comment, criticize them but listen to them empathetically. Those can't help depression patient 100% but a little.

  3. After I read your words, I went to Wikipedia to figure out the exact definition of "Loneliness" and I found that you do not suffer from it because you have some close friends and communicate with even-though by setting in coffee shop. Come-backing to your question, I will stay with him/her and keep talking about many funny and silly things. In meanwhile, I will figure out the reasons behind his/her depression and give either solutions or suggestions.

  4. I was glad that Mon chose this article to read. I had already read it, so the summary of ideas was not new to me, but I like Mon's expansion of the ideas in her response.

    Since my partner died ten years ago, I've largely lived alone, and I find I enjoy this. I like having a few friends visit, or hanging out somewhere, but after a few hours, I'm happy to go home and be alone, where I rarely feel lonely, just alone and relaxed as I get on with whatever I want to do, such as some blogging, preparing for a class, or watching a silly TV series, of which there are plenty on NetFlix. A few days ago, I started watching House of Cards again; it's as good the second time round as it was the first. I wonder how accurately it portray's American politics.


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