Thursday 11 October 2018

How to live in the world full of toxic air.

What I read

In "Never exercise at rush hour: six ways to avoid pollution.", Emine Saner (2018) report that air pollution is the biggest risk to public health in Europe. It causes an premature death and has several severe effects on our mind and body, such as lung, cardiovascular system, cognitive function, etc. However, there are six suggestions to protect ourselves and our children from sick air: avoiding congested streets, using application for air-quality checking,  playing sports indoor, wearing effective mask, eating healthy food and covering your baby carriage.

My response 

While I was reading this articles, I was not thinking of other ways to avoid pollution. "Is it better? to do something to help curing the problem or to alleviate the sick world", I asked myself. I was considering of how can we do to make the world a better place for living. I have reused plastic bags for more than five years but people around me keep throwing them away. Some of my friends also said that our little thing we do can reflect nothing since the action from one person is too small. My strong will to recycle, reuse or reduce using some materials cannot compare with massive disposable waste from huge manufacturing. 

Nonetheless, I am very pleased to know about Zero-waste campaign at Chulalongkorn University. All restaurants in the college start to use biodegradable paper cups. There is also a reusable water bottle giving away activity, encouraging students to using reusable water bottles in stead of disposable ones.

Although it is just a tiny action from one person, one shop or one institute, I do believe that every small action from millions of us can make a big change. 


My question

Have you concerned of air pollution or any other one? Can we solve the problem? or How do we live happily in the polluted world? 



  1. Since one part of my study and research belongs to pollution, I do really concern about air pollution as well as water and soil pollution. Unfortunately, the pollutants are surrounded us in every place and kill us slowly and there is no way to live happily in polluted environment. For example; if you wake up in the morning in active and happy mood and you aim to go to your work/university and while you are waiting at bus stop, an old bus comes with a massive exhausted gas emits from it till you cannot breath, you cloths get bad odor and so on. So, where is the happiness here?.
    To solve the pollution problem, the whole community has to work together. Teaching the students in primary schools about pollution and environment is considered as good start. Also, the media has to take their responsibility in order to spread the awareness between people. Moreover, the factories have to really work hard on the waste that they discharge into the environment.
    As you mentioned above, the most effective step on the changing road starts from you.

    1. You comment impresses me. I like your strong idea and supportive examples, which we all can face in daily life. I also like your ending sentence. Thank your for sharing, Waleed. :)

  2. Air pollution isn't just the big problem in Europe but Thailand and the other developing countries around the world where was urbanized and civilized. For example, as reported in the news that there's the air pollution in northern part of Thailand, especially in summer, caused by forest burning making high dust level in the air. People living there need to wear mask and avoid having outdoor activities. I think it's an important problem we should concern about because the air is the matter that we inhale everyday. So, if it's dirty, it must make our lung dirty too and then it will be improve to be a crucial crisis.

    To live our life under the air pollution condition, I think we must take care ourselves well such as wearing mask and avoid going to construction area.

    1. I agree with you, P'Mon, that the problems occur to most of our planet, especially in developing countries. However, it's sad that I often forget to bring a mask. So, I stay indoor instead in an air-condition room so that I can avoid breathing bad air. Unfortunately, I realize that this is also not good for health: air allergy.

    2. Yeah, air condition, there's source of bacteria that easily flowing in the air, dust, tiny insects.I think you should stay in the room with fan or stay in the area where tree are planted.

  3. Thank you Fern for the thoughtful response on the ideas on the topic in your chosen source. Living in Bangkok, air pollution is a worry to me, but I think it's better today than when I first arrived. There is less black filth settling on my balcony these days, so I suspect that there is also less gunk (that's not an academic word choice) clogging up my lungs. But Bangkok still looks a bit hazy at times when I look out over the city from the 21st floor of Chamchuri Square.

    On the plastic problem, I like your comment, repeated by Waleed, that small acts by individuals can add up to a big change. I noticed that a restaurant I like to eat at, The Latest Recipe at Le Meridien, has now started using paper straws instead of plastic, and I continue my own small efforts to reuse plastic bags from Tops.


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