Friday 12 October 2018

The difference, and growing of internet

What I read

An article from Scientific American "5G Devices Are about to Change Your Life", not recently, we have technology 4G for using in our routine. Now, we have new technology, which called 5G. This one has more high potential than the old one. In some case, no quality drop for downloading when we out of lack of Wi-Fi, or when the 5G get into a smart device, the efficiency of it will similar to a computer. Furthermore, the arrival of 5G benefit in both industrial machines, farming equipment and even vehicles. Although, this technology still has restrictions, for instance, more wire is required in order to support the 5G system. Nobody knows that 5G will be released for using in 2020, but we can access it in late of this year.

5G Devices Are about to Change Your Life


My response 

Nowadays, the technology is improved by many humans that want the convenience such as scientist, and engineering. Growing of technology affects to people both benefit and detrimental. About medical, we can find an important information to rescue when emergency cases occur immediately in time, for transportation, we can check the arrival, and departure time, with regard to connect, people can easily connect with each other. The example that I show are the advantages of the internet. If I think of the disadvantages of the internet, I will focus about laziness because it is the cause of excessive convenience..

For me, the internet makes me lazy more than when I was young. It’s easier when I want to find some rare information than finding in a textbook. I can talk with my family, although we far away. When I have the internet, I feel that I don’t worry anything because it’s easy to access almost all that we want. I think, people should reduce using a smart devices which involving to the internet. In each day, if the humans can deduct this behavior, I pretty confident that people will alert when they do something,or quality of learning will increase, too.


My question

Should you reduce using the internet? And, Why?


  • Pogue, D. (2018, October 21). "5G Devices Are about to Change Your Life": Scientific American. Retrived from


  1. In my opinion, I think it is so hard to reduce the usage of internet. Our life is linked to internet 100%. Our work, our study, our research, and our comminications rely on inetrnet and this is totaly positive ghing. However, if you use internet for social media and games only, which perhaps takes a plenty of our free time and lead to less physical activities, then you have to reduce the usage of internet.

  2. What happened to my nice formatting?

    1. I can fix it, which I'll do later. It's a good example of what can happen when you write in another program and then copy and paste into the blog — all of the weird formatting from the other place can be copied and pasted along with the text.

  3. Thank you Job. Although I had a bit of trouble reading it, I enjoyed both your summary and the thoughtful viewpoint in your response.

    But consistent with my support for GM, for assisted suicide, for same-sex marriage and other long overdue reforms of bad old customs, technology, and habits, I'm also strongly in favour of the Internet, which I think has contributed massively to making life better, even though it is not without some disadvantages. The Internet did not exist when I graduated from university, but the computer that I now carry in my pocket is probably more powerful than the entire university computer I used back in the 1980s, which occupied an entire building. And I can't imagine life today without the convenience of the Internet, which lets me do so much from my phone and other devices, including banking, getting information, making lunch bookings, and keeping in touch with family, friends, and students. It also seems to me a great tool for sustainability and more efficient use of resources. For example, I never buy paper books or DVD's anymore, consuming all those things digitally, which is much less demanding on the environment.

    I have to confess that I have trouble imagining what will be possible, even normal, in ten years time, but I'm sure it will be amazing. I just hope that the law can keep up with the changes in the right ways. It seems to me, for example, that not enough is being done to protect freedom of speech, which includes the right to say things that are offensive, disgusting and shocking to me. If i only want to allow what I approve of, that seems a serious violation of other people's right to express their voice to have an input into the form of our society and its government, as the good morals of democracy require. (This is my attempt to hint at another possible topic for an argumentative essay supporting one viewpoint against others on a modern issue.)


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