Tuesday 26 August 2008

500,000 to 2 Million Children in U.S. Are Homeschooled

In this article, “500,000 to 2 Million Children in U.S. Are Homeschooled”, Faiza Elmasry tells us that there are many parents who teach their children themselves at home. They bring their kids to lake and let them experience what they can study in science class, such as what trout look like. They also take kids to the park and make them gather some substance which they have studied at home such as making a leaf pack. At home, they also have many activities, in the kitchen, while they bake, they learn math as well, like measure weights, fractions. However, there are some rules which they have to follow. They have to inform local school’s supervisor their children’s lesson plan and present children’s progress evidence or let them take exam which public students take. Homeschooling parents arrange many activities with internet, other families in her community and other organization. The population of students who is taking homeschooling is reckoned 500,000 to 2 million across the U.S.. The reason they choose this way is mostly religious reason, the other reasons are academic reason and social reason.


Faiza Elmasry (2008, March 20). “500,000 to 2 Million Children in U.S. Are Homeschooled”. VOA News. Retrieved August 26, 2008 from http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2008-03/2008-03-17-voa24.cfm


  1. J,
    It's a very good summary of the article that is your source.
    Why were you interested in this article? I think home schooling is far more common in the US than it is in Australia. In fact, I don't know if it's even done in Australia. How about in Korea?
    And what do you think about it ? Is home schooling a good or bad thing?

  2. In Korea, some people study at home because they think studying at school is so competitive it makes children exhausted. In addition, some student are greatly excellent so school is not enough to support them or some student have some problem to study at school so they give up to study at school. Some student are educated at special school but the other are tought by their parents at home. However, I believe that there are something student can learn from school with their friends because school is not only place to study but it's small society student can learn more than study.If there are special reason student cannot study at school, I think student should be educated at school.

  3. As J said, in korea, there are quite many students don't want to study school. Actually most students study more at extracurricular institutions. They prepare their lesson before study at school so that they feel boring in class. On the other hand, some students who don't adjust with school friends and lesson want to study the other way. If the publich school is not effective, to study at home or other institution would be better for students and parent.

  4. In Thailand, Most parents prefer sent their children to school. They begin study at school at 3 or 4 yares old. This culture ensure from the parents do not have time to care their children because they have to work. Furthermore, they think school is the safe place where have the teacher to care their children and give the good knowladge for children. Many people think the famous school ,that have a perfect course, can create their children to be the genius.

  5. In Thailand, there are quite children or students study at home. For the reason is they have the problems that make them can not to go to school. For example, They have the problem with their physical body or their mine (psychological problem). Some cases, these children or students are have the specail school for them that have the nurses to care them and teach them how to manage themselves.

  6. In her first comment, Gus wrote, "many people think the famous school ,that have a perfect course, can create their children to be the genius," but that seems obviously false: many children who go the best schools do not become geniuses. The school probably does help the students to do the best they can, but getting into one of the best schools is no guarantee of academic excellence, which probably depends largely on a students genes, to which no school or teacher can make any difference.

  7. In Thailand, most people prefer to send their children to school because usually parents have to work and they have no one to taking care of their child. However, many friends of mine have an idea that they don’t want to send their child to school and want to teach their child by themselves because the quality of education in Thailand is not good enough. For example, they used to put information to children to remember more than let’s children to think. Children can not argue teacher. They just listen to the teacher and remember. Moreover, the quality of teacher is really low. Most teachers in Thailand, they usually are a low grade student who can not attend for a better faculty so we can not trust that they can provide a good education for our children. For homeschoooled must be a really good choice for parent.


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