Saturday 9 August 2008

Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?,8599,1827162,00.html
Everybody already know that women live longer than men.
According to this article, among people over 100 years old, 85% are women. There are several scientific reasons. But, in general, there are three things, theses are smoking, eating more and stress. Personally, I want to add one more thing-drinking. As a breadwinner, they work very hard and suffer from stress. Besides, they have more oppotunity to have meal outside and eat more and more. It also leads to high cholesterol.

Korean men are well known as hard worker. People say, starting time to work is fixed-it's around 8-9am,depend on company-but there is no time to go home. They work very hard without enough taking a rest, drink, smoke. Recently, the percentage of men's death about forty increased.
Do you agree that these reason lead men's death earlier?
How about men in Thailand?


  1. I read recently (can't remember where), that in some US states, the average life expectancy has also started to decrease. The reason given is obesity. Australia is heading the same way: too many AUstraians eat far too much. But I also wish I would eat less than I do. It's very hard to say no to a rich French meal with three or four courses, and it's so easy to eat just one more piece of shortbread when I'm relaxing with an action video. And chocolate!

    I think J's ideas about the reasons for the difference between men's and women's life expectancies sound like the right sort of things. They are all long-term, lifestyle reasons.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with J. Most of women no smoke and no drink (some women drink, but they not often drinks). Most men smoke and drink when they have stress. These habits harm to health of men.

    Nowadays, People hard work, get stress and do not relax. They work all day start on Monday to Friday and someone work till Saturday. They have not time for exercise. I think this is a one factor that lead they die earlier.

  4. Nowadays, the number of men in the world is less than women (I heard from radio somewhere). I agree with this article about eating&drinking style, stress and smoking. However, men have to train in military and fight in war or conflict event so they may be killed or get bodily harm. Moreover,most Thai men work as labor or high risk dangerous jobs :therefore, men have a risk higher than women.

  5. I agree with general reason such as eating, drinking, smoking, stress and in war as well. I think, stress is the most main reason for men. Generally, men espcially Asian men have a lot of burden in which they have to take care of their parents and family. And they don't deal with stress easily than women. For example, women case, they talk with friends or family a lot so that they tell their problems, discuss them, get advices and solve the problems but men case they preper to deal with themselves such as keep in mind, patient, dringking or smoking.


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