Monday 3 October 2011

Because of Alcohol

Have you ever drink some alcohol?

I remember I began drinking alcohol when I studied in university. I know is not good for me but I think I have to meeting and go to the party with friends and seniors in university society. Absolutely we had some alcohol in the party. When I went to the party, we had a lot of great time(Dance, drink and gossip) and bad time(Drunk). So, it made me close with friends and seniors. If I didn't go, I would not have known many people like this. But I drunk in limit because I don't want to lose my memory skills.

According to "What damage does alcohol do to our bodies?" on BBC News, drinking alcohol in average is good for some treats such as against heart disease and stop the formation of blood clots in the arteries. On the other hand, there are many disadvantage of people who drinking too much alcohol. As we know, it makes us feel headache and hangover in the morning. However, the research shows that a high alcohol is not only damage physical, but also mental heath. The risk of health conditions increase every year such as cancer, heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver. Moreover, studied on fertility show drinking can make women less pregnant and men can lower sperm quality.

Dr Nick Sheron(who works the liver unit at Southampton General Hospital) said "People like having a drink, but they have to accept there's a risk-benefit ratio."

In my opinion, I think Dr Sheron said is right. People who like drinking an alcohol, they have to accept result of some diseases that will happen. Although, drinking alcohol has some benefits for treat some diseases, if we drink in limit. However, most people drink it in the wrong way. Some people drink alcohol because they have a problem ,or they are anxious. Nowadays, the number of alcoholism more increase everyday. As we can do is we have to remain people who we love and care.

So, let's start remain in our family, it will be good in our social life.
Philippa Roxby. (2011, October 1). "What damage does alcohol do to our bodies?". BBC News. Retrieved October 3, 2011. from


  1. Now I understand one of your choices of topic and ideas about the advantages and disadvantages to it. I like the way you have used that same grammar in your response writing: a good idea.

    But I wonder: Is alcohol use increasing?

  2. I mean the number of alcoholism is more increase. Is it right?

  3. Aom,
    I thought that you meant that the number of people addicted to alcohol was increasing.
    Is that right?

    I'm not sure that the number of such drug addicts is increasing. But I don't know. My guess is that there is no great change. Why do you think that alcoholism is increasing every day?

  4. Yes

    As I told you that I began drinking an alcohol when I studied in university. Before I went to university, I have never though about it. I think every university social do like that too. Some of my boy friends addicted alcohol little more and more because they drunk every time that have football match. And now they still drink it. That's why I think alcoholism is increasing every day.

  5. Aom,
    My family is deeply linked to alcohol because from my grandfather's generations to my father, almost all relatives,especially men, died of severe diseases which are related with alcohol and cigarette. That's why I agree to imposing taxes on them.

    Actually, alcohol has many benefits itself. Sometimes,it is used as a kind of medicine, and also used a lot when we cook. However, people ruin its value and usefulness because many people drink too much and then destroy themselves. As you mentioned above, too much drinking alcohol could have bad influence on our body and mind, we will have to try to keep our families and friends from alcohol.

  6. Currently, I see many young people start drinking alcohol, I was one of them, but when I know it's a bad thing, I decided to quit it. My great-grandmother died of liver disease from drinking beer as well. After that, I would ask the family to quit drinking.

  7. I like the way that Aom emphasises that "People who like drinking an alcohol, they have to accept result of some diseases that will happen" (¶ 4). This is important because it reminds us that people who drink are making a personal choice, for which they are responsible.
    Another point Aom makes that seems important to me is that although some people make bad decisions, many do not, that, for example, people who enjoy a single glass of nice wine with dinner and friends are more likely to reap health benefits as well as the other benefits that come from using the drug alcohol.

    So, is it fair to punish everyone with high taxes because some people make bad decisions?
    Indeed, is it even fair to punish the people who make bad decisions?
    I think the answers to both questions must be "No", but I realise that mine is a minority opinion. Am I wrong? Why? What supports a "Yes" answer to both of these questions?

  8. I like your topic. I have never know that alcohol has a benefit as protect a heart disease. It's my new knowledge. I agree with your opinion that we should take care ourselves when we drink it. I think alcohol can't solve a problem because i have ever seen someone drink it when they feel sad or hopeless. I think loving themselves is a good idea to start to solve a problem.

  9. Like Aom (@ October 4, 2011 3:27 PM), I also like this topic. It's excellent preparation for the next chapter we will be studying in Quest, "Medicine and Drugs: Addictive Substances".

    And teh comments so far are addressing some of the questions that will come up in that chapter.

  10. Aom,

    I like your topic.I agree with you that drinking alcohol in suitable limit can help people to treat some diseases.
    For example, one of my friend's parent sometimes drink a glass of whisky at dinner time because it helps them to be relax from anxiety of works and sleep deeply. On the other hand, drinking alcohol above limit does not only damage drinker's health, but also cause of social problems such as car accidents, affray or fighting of drinkers and so on.

  11. I like the topic and I like glasses of alcohol they looks beautiful. Alcohol has advantage and disadvantage. One advantage to drinking alcohol is for social with friends. A disadvantage to drinking alcohol is the fac that it reduced your ability for driving. I drink alcohol for special occasion.

  12. Noom is right about the danger of mixing alcohol with driving. Because that is a real threat to other people, often leading to accidents and death, there is good reason to punish people who drink and drive - I think that the first time someone does that, they should be fined heavily, perhaps 50,000 Baht, and lose their licence to drive for at least 3 months.

    If they drink and drive again, they should lose their car and be sent to prison - drinking alcohol and driving is more dangerous than using heroin and other illegal drugs, so it should be punished much more severely.


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