Tuesday 4 October 2011

Organ Donation

Have you ever known about organ donation? I have known about it for a while and I used to ask myself if it is good for me to donate my organs for patients who really need them in order to keep their life. I think it is very useful because if I died, the organ I decided to donate would help someone’s life ,or, my body would become useless ash. However, my mother does not allow me to donate my organs because of her traditional and religious belief that if you donate your organ, the next life, you will be born with incompletely developed vital organs, less than thirty-two organs. Not only does my mom (Thai people) think about the belief, but also others people in Western countries.

As the news from the BBC news online, “Presumed consent plan: Wales supplies more organ donors,” it states about raising awareness of the issue in Wales can help increase organ donation rate. The research found that Wales consistently supplies more donors and donations than other UK nations. However, the Welsh government informed that family members should be firstly consulted to make the agreement.

Unexpectedly, the word “Body donation,” pops up in my head. Consequently, I am curious that between body donation and organ donation, which one is more useful.

In my view, I think it is the same importance depending on necessary need at that moment. If there was patient who needs a heart in order to implant in a rush to keep his life, so heart (organ) would be more useful. On the other hand, if there was not need organ, the body would be more useful because medical students can study anatomy from bodied called a professor. Those students will apply what they learned from the teacher to help other patients.

What do you think which one is more useful?

Anyway, my mom let me to donate my blood instead of donate organs and body.

Presumed consent plan: Wales supplies more organ donors. (2011, October 4). the BBC News, Retrieved October4, 2011 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-15154159


  1. Kwang,

    Your situation is similar to mine.
    I wanted to donate my organs because I think, it would be useful for a patient who needs them,but my mother didn't allow because of her traditional and religious belief.

  2. I don't think that my ageing organs would be much use to anyone, but it would make me happy now to think that they might be of some use when I no longer exist.

    Perhaps my body would be more useful for teaching.

    But when brain transplants become possible, I would be happy to donate my complete brain to someone else. I might even like to do this before I died.

  3. I think same your mother because the most Buddhist were taught in this belief. Although I know it's not true, but it make me fear. I think two way of donation is useful, but it depend on amount of need in each way.

  4. Kwang,
    I admire the people who donated their organs and will do. Actually,I had thought about my donation, but I don't have the strong courage to visit the office where I sign my name in the donation list. On the other hand, if people close to me need my organs, such as liver, kidney, or spinal marrow and so on, I am willing to share these organ to them. However, I never want my body to be set in front of students.

  5. Peter,
    Please, transplant your brain indirectly for a long time.

  6. This topic interests me, too. I used to ask a medical student that what were criteria used for regarding a dead body as a competent one to be studied. He said that it had to be complete, and the death did not related to any lawsuit or resulted from a contagious disease.

    In other word, it is possible that even if we have decided to donate our bodies, they will not be used for teaching. However, I think the important point of a donation dose not depend on whether it is used, or not. The advantage of a donation is that we learn to give something without interest.

  7. I'm glad to know that y'all are interested in organ donation.
    From my view, the issue of making donation may be the people who want to be donors themselves, not because of their family. However, there's not much I can say because my situation is kinda different from you guys who have that problem with your parent.
    My family is also Buddhist, Luckily, they don't have that belief, and didn't express any opinion when they knew I was considering to donate my organs. My mom only said "Your life, choose by yourself" . So, it's easy for me to decide to make a donation. (via The Thai Red Cross Organ Donation Center)
    But if you ask me for a suggestion, I'd say whatever you want, let do it before you can't.


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