Monday 17 October 2011

Who should pay for medical treatment of anorexia nervosa?

The "Room for Debate" section of the New York Times invites several experts to share their ideas on a topical issue, and a few days ago it was on a topic closely related to one we have been looking at the past few weeks: the nature and treatment of psychological disorders.

In "Should Insurers Pay for Eating Disorders?", there is a brief introduction to the issue, giving relevant background, and then the discussion questions, on which the four debaters share their ideas.

  • What do you think? 
  • Whose arguments do you agree with? Why? 
  • Whose arguments do you disagree with? Why? 
  • And what is your answer to these sorts of questions? 

Should Insurers Pay for Eating Disorders? (2011, October 15). The New York Times. Retrieved October 17, 2011 from

1 comment:

  1. And an advantage to The New York Times "Room for Debate" discussions which you might appreciate is that each section is limited in length: the introduction is very short, and each debater is restricted to a relatively short presentation of their argument.


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