Monday 17 October 2011

How we know that we need supplements or not?

Although it is the place for us to seek doctors and get medicine and treatment, in the hospital you still can find supplements store and you can buy. Sometime it's difficult to distinguish supplements or medicine from doctors when a person eats it after meal in front of you. When I read "Vitamins linked with higher death risk in older women" on the BBC News websiteHow we know that we need supplements or not? Not all doctors agreed with supplements.

The BBC reports that experts believe supplements is needed when a person is deficient in a nutrient and they can harm if a person takes more than enough. According to Drs Christian Gluud and Goran Bjelakovic, who review research for the Cochrane Database of System Reviews to evaluate best evidence said that supplements use from preventing deficiency now become promoting wellness and prevent diseases. They said:" We believe that for all micro nutrients, risks are associated with insufficient and too- large intake." According Helen of British Dietetic Association, people should get all the vitamins and minerals from balance diet. She said that too much vitamins and minerals can create toxic in the body.

I believe that supplements that we take can promote wellness and prevent diseases. If our diet is poor this can compromise our immune system and we become easy to get sick like cold and flu.  We need all the vitamins and minerals to keep our immune system to work properly and protect us from infection and diseases. Supplements is needed when we don't eat balance diet every day. Now days, it is very difficult to get the balance foods unless you prepare it at home. People who are working have limited time too and sometime they just grab the frozen food from 711 near the house on the way home from work and put in microwave. How to cook the food is very important too. When you cook to long can destroy the nutrition in it.

When my family were sick and went to doctor in the hospital, they gave us medicine all the time. They almost never gave  vitamins like vitamin C. They don't agree that vitamin c can help the body to be strong and it make the body get well faster. What do you think?

Too much supplements can create toxin in the body and harm in the body but I am not sure what they are because I don't study it. Please give your input or opinion about this.


Vitamins linked with higher death risk in older women. (2011, October 11). BBC News. Retrieved October 17, 2011 from


  1. Mur,

    It is very useful issue.

    I used to take a lot of vitamins pill such as vitamin A, B, C and E, also minerals tablet like zinc, gingko, omega3, lecithin and so on because I thought that they give only directly benefit on my health. In fact, they are good if you take them in appropriate amount and follow your body needs, or, they can cause harmful effects on your health. They are both pros and con. When supplements products are advertised, prescription and sellers always show good results that you take them it.

    Now, I change attitude toward supplementary that it is still good, but it is not main source of nutrition in my life. Insteadly, Fresh fruits, cooked foods and water are important to keep balance in my body.

    How we know our body need them or not? I don't know.

  2. Mur,
    I had also read this article and found it interesting. I sometimes take supplements, but not daily and not always. I limit my consumption of them for the reasons the article points out: there is little reliable evidence that they do most people any good, and there is some evidence that they are harmful to health.

    I also agree wtih your comment about doctors prescribing medicines - I usually throw away at least half of hte drugs prescribed by doctors in Thailand, and sometimes I just tell them that they are wrong and should not be prescribing some things for me - I don't think enough people tell doctors that they are wrong, or question their advice. In many cases, I think they just prescribe to increase their profit by selling the drugs, and that is immoral as well as bad for their patients. For example, I'm often prescribed drugs to help sleep, ease pain and other symptoms that are not necessary at all, and can by dangerous. Doctors in Australia are far more cautious about prescribing drugs. Or maybe I just go to bad doctors! (They all work at reputable hospitals, and I'm generally happy with their competence, it's just their bad habit of over prescribing drugs that I disagree with.) If the doctors can explain and support their drug decisions, I'll agree with them, but often they cannot - they almost never argue back to support their drug suggestions when I tell them they are wrong, which I think means that they agree with me and that they know they are over prescribing for no good reason.

  3. Let me share to you about my son's story.
    James join the school 3 days a week from Monday to Wednesday since August this year. He got sick more even though I have given proper food with enough nutrition. So I decided to give him water with vitamin C in it and asked teacher to give him for snack time to make sure he has enough liquid and brought him home earlier than school time. Even though I did that he still sick. finally I realized that he need to do exercise more outdoor. Since that time, I always make sure he rides his bike and car in the park at least 30 minutes and get sunlight and get dirty and sweat. I agreed that we need exercise too beside all the nutrition that we have from the food and supplement to keep us healthy.


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