Thursday 6 October 2011

The Danger of Women

There are many dangers that occur within our society, such as crime or theft. Women are often victims of these criminals, maybe it is because women are the weaker gender, so it makes them easy victims. Therefore, they should find a way to protect themselves.

According to "Woman raped in Plant Hill Park in Manchester" on the BBC News website, a woman aged 32 years was raped by being dragged into the bush while she walks through the Manchester park. The man who rape is higher than 6 feet, slim, unshaven and wearing a grey hooded top. From this incident, the police came out to announce to all women in this area walk home in groups and avoid walking in isolated places.

I think this problem is happens a lot in society today because each day I have heard the news of many women being raped, and most of them are teenagers. I agree that all women should be careful, but if they careful of themselves already why it still happens. For example, Thai teenager has been raped by being dragged to beneath the bridge when she was walking along the street during morning, and there are many cars on the road as well as she was dressed neatly, but why she still was raped. That is my doubt that this incidence happened because of women do not careful for yourself or criminals do not have ethics. In this reason, I think women should careful of themselves; moreover, the government should help to find a solution to this problem as well. Otherwise, the woman was a victim of society continual.

Woman raped in Plant Hill Park in Manchester. (2011,October 6). BBC News. Retrieved October 6, 2011 from


  1. Preaw,
    I think that rape is still a serious problem, but I don't agree that it "happens a lot in society today". I think it happens far less today than in the past. What has changed is that women can now more easily talk about it, and it is more widely reported when it does happen.

    I think the same is true for child sexual assault - in the past, it was rarely reported, children were scared or not believed, and the guilty monsters, usually family, close family friends or people respected in society, such as priests, were able to continue with their evil crimes. Today, with ugly traditional social and cultural taboos ending, these sorts of serious crimes are being brought into the open and the criminals brought to justice. "The good old days" were rarely as good as we might like to imagine them - in most cases, the appearance of goodness is a very superficial lie.

    I agree with you fully that it is the government's responsibility to enforce laws to protect all people from these sorts of crimes.

    Do you have any specific suggestion? What could or should (must?) the government do to help reduce these sorts of crimes against people?

  2. At first, I think the government should find ways to deal with homeless people because some of homeless people often have mental problems that sometimes they might be doing something without knowing it and can not control their emotions. The second, I think they should handle the problem of drug addiction, for some people who are drug addicts sometimes unable to control themselves when relapses, so they attacked the people who are nearby.

  3. I her reply to my comment, Preaw raises a couple of excellent questions (October 6, 2011 6:49 PM), which I would like to develop a little since they are such excellent preparation for what we will be studying next in Quest.

    First, Preaw writes that "the government should find ways to deal with homeless people". I think we can make this very good start a bit more concrete:
    1. Should the government act, or would it be better for citizens and social groups to act?
    2. What might be some effective "ways to deal with homeless people"?

    Preaw's second stimulating proposal is that the government "should handle the problem of drug addiction".
    1. Again, my first question is whether this is even something that citizens should hand over to governments. Why or why not?
    2. And we need some specific proposals as to what would be good solutions to the problems posed by drug addiction.


    And my thanks to Preaw for this timely blog topic.

  4. As I know in Bangkok, some church will send the people to visit them and give them food. in country, church people will help to build some facilities for them.
    For drug addition, so far church people will go and visit the girls who work in the bars and help them to do other jobs like craft instead of doing night time job.

  5. Mur,
    Thanks for those concrete suggestions to help solve at least part of the problems - neither of which involve the government. That is one of the good things about religions - they really can motivate people to be unselfish and help others.

  6. It seems that the view of the homeless people in Thailand differ from that of Korea. In Korea, most of the rapes are committed usually by acquainted people or regarded as normal people. Homeless people are thought as largely two kinds; really poor people or people who want this life actually they don't have to.

    I think that to solve the homeless people, the most important is that the government and companies should make places for work and social associations constantly
    encourage them to live normally through campaigns.
    Simply giving food and facilities doesn't solve the basic problems rather than they could be the reason of increasing the numbers of homeless people.


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