Thursday 6 October 2011

Lose weight by changing your mindset, is it enough?

Do you know The Secret, which is a best-selling 2006 self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne?
I read this book 2 years ago. In The Secret, Rhonda Byrne tells us that this universe can be controlled by a natural law called the law of attraction, which teachs that you are what you believe. This law is worked by attracting people's life experiences, thought and feeling. Thus, positive thinking and feeling can create new positive changed results in your life such as better health, more happiness and increased wealth. Have you ever tried to loss your weight? I'm on diet to loss my weight now so I am interested in news about health.
According to Helen Briggs in Weight loss plan 'lacks evidence', a new behavioural approach to loss weight is changing mind set. This method is used to encourage people to improve health behaviour, it is successful in alcohol and drug addiction and smoking. Prof. Azeem Majeed and Dr.Nik Tuah of Imperial College London led this research about lossing weight by this technique in 1,834 overweight patients and 2,076 people with normal weight in the UK, US,Netherlands, Canada, and Australia. They found no convincing evidenceof significant weight loss. Prof Majeed told that "Chaging people's dietary patterns is very difficult - that's why we've got such a problem with obesity". In addition, a spokesperson for the charity, the British Nautritional Foundation, said "Chaging one's mindset is not enough. People need to eat less and excercise more to lose weight."
I was surprised about this news because I have my own direct experience about lossing weught by chaging my mindset. In 2009, I wanted to loss my weight 15 kg. After that, I told my friend and she suggested me that " First,you should change your mindset that you have a slender body already. Then you will act like a slender person such as eat less" I accepted to try this technique. In the beginning, I want my mindset know what I want to be clearly so I find a picture of slender woman with two piece swimsuits that show her a little abdominal muscle. Then, I did meditation to connect my thought and my mind and tell to my mind what I want to be peacefully. That might sound like I was crazy, but in fact, it was steps of chaging mindset. I looked at this picture I made and told what I want every morning. Finally, my dream didn't come true, I can't loss my weight. And I've learnt that the effective weight loss appoarch are diet and excercise with regularity.
What do you think about losing weight by changing your mindset?
Helen Briggs. Weight loss plan 'lacks evidence'. ( 2011, October 6) BBC News. Retrieved October 9, 2011 from
Rhomda Byrne.(2006) The Secret. (2nd ed.). Atria Books Beyond Words Publishing.


  1. "you are what you believe"?
    I don't think so. The mentally ill believe a lot of things about themselves, and they are typically completely wrong.
    Ordinary people like us are also very often very wrong about ourselves - the evidence just does not support the idea that believing something, anything, changes the world. Psychologists regularly discover that what people report and believe about themselves is not what they actually do, as advertisers realize.

    I thought that Pui's idea of using a picture was a good idea since it provides a visual reminder of a goal to aim for, but I also agree with Pui that the best way to achieve such a goal is diet and exercise. No amount of believing will work without diet and exercise.

    I haven't read The Secret, but it sounded like yet another in a long string of self help books that are largely garbage, and possibly dangerous garbage if people believe and take seriously the unsubstantiated lies and fantasy in them. About as sensible and true as astrology, numerology, tarot cards and other enduringly popular nonsense.

  2. If you have time, please read " You Are What You Eat" by Dr Gillian McKeith. I have two children and I have gained 13 kg every time when I was pregnant. This book will explain to you how to eat. Eating less sometime make your metabolism lower and you can gain more if you are not careful.
    Changing your life style is the best and don't think to loose weight only. If you think you want to have healthy body, understand what your body needs. Eat what your body needs.
    If you can avoid sugar or desert, that is the most important to do. I like cakes and pies!
    Exercise is important.

  3. I think that Mur is right. I wish there were an easier way to lose weight than saying "No" to delicious food, but I don't think there is.

    My weakness is not cake - I can usually deny myself cake - but I have trouble with the simple pleasures of cheese and bread, and olive oil, and rich French and Italian food. And ice cream.

    And now I'm hungry. And there is cheese in the fridge, bread and olive oil on the shelf, so ...

  4. Mur,

    Thank you for your advice, that sounds intersting.
    I want to read this book and get better health.

    How can I get this book? in book stores? Could you please tell me?

    Now, I try to not have dinner and I excercise at least 4 days a week,is it good?

  5. Peter,

    I just want to tell you more.
    You know? This book is the best-selling 2006 self help book that has been translated in to 44 languages, and has over 21 million copies in print.(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,6 September 2011)

    What do you think? Why many people like this book?

    I have no idea...

  6. Pui (October 11, 2011 6:07 AM),
    Nice question: Why do so many people believe weird things?

    Perhaps Aomsin's latest blog post, "Brain 'rejects negative thoughts'", suggests some answers. I think the human brain is wired to work in certain ways, and it takes a real effort to base our beliefs on solid evidence instead of what we are programmed to most easily believe.

    Self help books like The Secret tell a very optimistic message about what people can do, and that seems to appeal. Another reason is that human brains look for connections to explain the world, and make them up even where there is zero evidence - just look at every supernatural belief: gods, ghosts, spirits, angels, heaven, hell, and so on. All of these sorts of things have been believed in for thousands of years by large majorities of human beings, with only a very small minority dissenting, and often punished for being so reasonable and honest against the deluded majority, but there has always been zero good evidence for any supernatural belief.

  7. Pui,
    I am interested in your post because it is about health especially weight. I don't eat a lot and don't eat cake and pies like Mur. Also, I don't have cheese and bread like Peter, but I have weight and body fat problems.
    So, can I ask you something?
    After reading the book which Mur recommended you, can you summarize it for me?

  8. Sunny,

    Are you sure that you have weight and body fat problem?

    I think, you are not fat. However,I know that getting better health is great! After I finished reading that book, I will summarize it for you.

    I think, it's a good idea to force me to understand clearly about it.^^


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