Sunday 30 September 2012

Better Treatment for Acne

Acne can be very painful and distressing which might cause some effects to our confidence and metal health suffers.  It is a common skin problem affects around 80% of the teenager.  I believe most of us were experienced with acne and still recognize how fustraed and embarrassing when we had many pimples on our face and seriouly tried many treatments to get rid of them.

In  "Harmless skin virus fight acne" was lighten up by Prof.Robert Modlin Lead scientist said " Harnessing a virus that naturally preys on the bacteria that causes pimples could offer a promising new tool against the physical and emotional scares of severe acne".  The virus called a phage, is naturally built to target and kill bacteria that cause acne. The better treatment for the sufferers who are paintful and distress with acne is under developing by the experts from UCLA adn U of Pittsburge.

As I understand that there are 2 main reasons can cause the bacteria infected from dirty dust in the air polution and folicles blocked with oily substance.  I think the better solutions for these causes would be the preventive treatment rather than reactive treatment.  For example, we can aviod bacteria infected on our skin by cleaning our face more often, using tonner to release oily subtance, or even better to have healthy drink and meals.  We knew that being healthy helps a lot to prevent any diseases, I am strongly believe and also advised to my daughters and son to practice the same, as I can say "it works well".

I found this matter is interesting not only for teenager but many people aged from 20 - 35 who are affting from serious symtoms of acne.  It is not easy to teat them properly beacuse most of antibiotics can kill many types of bacteria including good one and potentialy produce risky side effect.  So why we have to wait until it comes, would it be better to start a simple preventive practice?  Or if anyone have any ideas, please be welcome to share.

Health news (2012, September 25). Harmless skin virus fight acne. BBC News Health Retrived September 30, 2012 from


  1. I usually get acne whenever I feel stressful. For example, during an exam period or harsh time at work.
    Also, dirty dust is the most severe cause leads to pimples. When I was still working I have to visit a client's plant located in Chacheongsoa province, and the plant was very dirty. It did not take too long for my face skin to get ance from that dirty dust. Therefore, I really don't like to go to that job but in reality I can't choose which job I go for or not.

  2. I agree with you, Peter that the best way to deal with acne is prevention, but I have a different idea which I got it from my close friend when I discussed this problem with him. I believe that acne can come from many causes, such as hormone, not enough sleeping and stressful.

    To support and proof my idea, hormone is one thing that I have a witness who is my close friend from high school is hormone. When I was a teenager at high school, my close friend usually had gotten many pimples since he was thirteen years old, so he went to get treatment from acne doctor. He quite often followed his doctor’s suggestion which recommend him washing his face with his treatment’s chemical solution and eating medicine. In every break time at school, he washed his face. But his face still had acne even though he completely followed his doctor’s comments, so the doctor concluded his case that his acne came from his gentle hormone and tried to control his hormone by using some medicine, but it did not work. His face still had acne and got many serious painful wounds which came from his getting rid acne out from his face. He faced on his bad nickname which his friends call him as acne man and suffered with that name all the time in high school.

    Nowadays, his face doesn't have any acne because he grew up and turned to a man, but he still suffers with many serious wounds and his bad nickname. He tries healing his face with laser treatment and meets his doctor two times per a month.

    1. Bas, I'm glad you agree with me this time, but Mam wrote this post, not me. I think you agree with her idea.

      I had a friend a bit like yours in high school. I think (I don't know) that there might be a genetic component because my friend's brothers had teh same problem, and they tried everything. I had a few pimples and worried about them a lot, but I didn't have more than most of my classmates, so didn't suffer they way my unfortunate friend did - children are not naturally kind. In fact, children seem naturally cruel and unkind until they learn unnatural manners, politeness and consideration for others. As so often, unnatural is much better than natural. (This conclusion was not in my mind when I began this comment, but I kind of liked it when it popped in.)

    2. Sorry, for misunderstanding who author this article is.

    3. Peter, I agree with you. children can be sometimes very harsh and relentless.Although I enjoyed my school life on the whole, I didn't want to go to school, when my mother cut my bang too short, or when I wore new clothes which colors was too loud, not to mention of a big pimple on my forehead.One thing that I admire is that every adult know how to tell a white lie.

  3. I have an acne problem too. Especially, after I played outdoor sport all the day. My face full fill with oil because I use sunblock to protect my skin, and many dirts stick on the face. It's was uncomfortable feel. Next day, there are acnes on my face. Now, I give for this problem because I love playing outdoor sports very much.

  4. I hate acne and pimples because every time they appear on my face or neck, I feel uncomfortable. They also cause pain on skin wherever they are. Some may say that they lose confidence due to acne and pimples because they are a symbol of a dirty habit or those persons do not clean their body good enough. I am also in this group.

    However, I insist that I take good care of myself. That leads to an assumption that the cause may be stress, or the continuous short period of sleep time.

    Anyway, my wish is a medicine or vaccine that helps people have their own antibody against acne and pimples.

    1. I don't think it has much to do with cleanliness. I'm sure that when I was at school, some of the rough, tough kids who were not the cleanest had far fewer pimples than some of the good kids who were always clean and neat.

      I really don't know, but my guess is that although things like diet and cleanliness certainly matter, genetics might be more important, as it so often is. It's a bit unfortunate that such things as intelligence, good looks, even motivation and discipline, should be arbitrarily and accidentally determined by our genes before we are even born, but that is what mounting evidence seems to suggest.

      Perhaps it should remind us that we our successes are largely due to factors which we did not cause, and which those less fortunate were unlucky to miss out on. Einstein was truly brilliant, but he did not make himself brilliant: he was born with gifts he had done nothing to deserve.

  5. I have dry skin, therefore I don’t have problem about acne often, people who has dry skin that they have a small follicles, therefore dust is hard to get in, but people who has oily skin is more difficult to harness the skin from that problem. Therefore there are the ways to protect by preventive practice, For example. Clean your face at less 2 times a day, after get up in the morning and before go to bed by products that matching with your type skin, and for sport man should clean your face after your sport immediately when you get home. Acne can also occur when we are stressed or we don’t enough rest.


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