Tuesday 25 September 2012

Chieko’s academic interests

My adademic interests have been changed several times. At the university, I studied German literature, because in those days I was interested in some German books very much. Then I got an opportunity to study in Germany, where I met many students from different countries. Some of them came from the countries, whose economic and political situation was not stable and the relationship to Germany was not good enough, and because of that, they had difficulities to get visas, working permits, and other official papers, which others aquired easily. This is why I was interested in international relaitonship of countries. Besides it, I studied also development psychology as a second major. After coming back to Japan, I did some volunteer activities dealing with children. Some knowledge about psychology helped me with my work.

Nowadays I'm interested in sociology. In Japan, influence of religion is not as strong as some other  countries. Most part of Japanese morals comes from how others think about a person's  behavior. It's important how the majority think. If it is accepted by majority, it is morally ok. If not, it can be morally wrong. If the majority's opinion about something has changed, moral  may also change. I'd like to know what kind of change has occured, and also how and why. In Japan there is the special college called Broadcasting university, where students study through watching broadcasted lectures on TV. I already found some interesting lectures in its Syllabus. I'm looking forward to watching the lecture when I go back to Japan.


  1. Wie lange waren Sie in Deutschland? I am very surprise that you are also interested in German language. I was studying German language while I was in high school, but at this moment I can speak or read less than 5 years ago.

  2. Ich habe da fuer fuenf Jahren gewohnt. Although I think Thailand is much better place to live, Germany is still special for me because of friends and experiences there.
    Why did you decide to learn German? Is it popular in Thailand?

  3. After reading Your post that there is a special college such as Broadcasting university in Japan, it reminds me that there is a special university in Lithuania that teach about how to be a witch or a wizard. I sometimes want to join that university after I was inspired by Harry Potter book.

  4. I'm also a big fan of Harry Potter books. If possible I want to be a witch, who can fly with a broom or transform into an animal, may be a dog, and want to talk with my pet dog!

  5. I think if I can use English like a native speaker, I will start to learn German. It is really an interesting language because Albert Einstein was German. It is one of many reasons why I want to learn this language. Actually, I interest in Physic very little, but I like to read science history. If you like to read books, I think this kind of book is really interesting. In this history book, you will know how scientists discovered great discoveries or even whatever are in scientists lives, especially the world's history. For several months ago, I bought a book, named "Periodic Tale", which is about history of periodic table which is a international table of Chemical element. However, I have not finished it yet.

    1. When I started to learn German at the university, one of my teachers said to us, all freshmen in German study department, “French is a language to talk with one’s sweetheart, Latin is a language to talk with God, English is a language to talk with business partners, and German is a language to talk with horses.” Afterward he explained us what he meant with it: German has very clear and strong pronunciations which sounds sometimes too harshly,as if horse gave a neigh. He also added that because of its clear sounds and stable grammar constructions, German was a good language to use in science or philosophy. But for us, it was a kind of shock that we were going to learn the language "for horses". In fact German sounds stronger than some other languages as French or Italian, but I find it also beautiful when it is spoken quietly, or some German poems are recited with a voice which carries well.

      Although I have never been good at science, I also like to read books about scientists and their researches. One of them is a book whose title is Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton (1855)) I read its short extraction in my English text book, and was impressed very much. In that book Newton says, “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

  6. I think your academic interests is very interesting Chieko, especially about learning psychology and sociology, me too. I have finished training in psychology and management last week. I am excited to learn this kind of things because we can practice it immediately in our life, and it is very useful when we do work and meet many people.


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