Tuesday 21 August 2018

Do you agree with open-plan offices is more active than desks in cubicles?

What I read

According to " Workers in open-plan offices 'more active' " (2018), The research said that the worker who works in open-plan has more active and less stress than the worker who works in cubicle-plan because in the open-plan environment will make you more comfortable to look away from the table where a lot of work. Moreover, some research said that office design is very important for physical and mental health. Some people like individual offices or cubicles because they need more private nevertheless the researchers found open plan offices have more benefit than a cubicle or private office, for example, it can be better communication and increased awareness of your colleagues.


My response 

In my opinion, I like to work with open-plan desk more than a cubicle desk because when I study or doing the exam with cubicle-plan, I always feel more stress and more pressure than open desk environment. The most of library in Thailand is always use cubicle desks because they do not people to talk together. Sometimes, I think the desk with cubicle is a symbol of silence. If you don't need a noise and distraction, the desk with cubicle is a good choice but if you want more active and less stress the desk without a plan is better choices. Everybody has a different style, you can choose the desk that you like. I believe that happy with the desk makes you happy with your work.

My question

If you can choose your style office, what style office do you like? desks in cubicles or open-plan office?



  1. The libraries in Thailand seem different to in Australia. The town libraries and university libraries in Australia are all mainly open plan. I thought this was sensible because people do often want to share or discuss ideas and sources as they are working. Provided conversation is kept soft so it does not disrupt other users, I don't think this is a problem. Perhaps both types of work spaces could be provided so that people who want to read alone without any noise can do that, while those who want to work together can also do that.

    I've never worked in a cubicle, so I can't really comment on that. Although I enjoy being alone at home, where I do a lot of my work, I don't think I'd like being shut into a small box in an office. I see them in movies, and they don't look attractive.

  2. If I get a position for working, I want to have my desk in cubicle. From my perspective, it scopes your area not to disturb other peer working-space. The more you get the privacy zone, the more you can feel comfortable in zone in which you get. However, I still require the relax room like coffee room or green room to have a little bit of conversation to others.

  3. If space or budget is not an issue, I would prefer to have both cubicles and open-plan in my office. Normally, workers, who want to concentrate on their tasks and don't want to be interrupted, may need some privacy, so desks in cubicles might be what they want. While workers, who want to relax or work in groups, might need some sharing space, so working in open-plan might be a good idea. I think both styles are useful in its own right. A good office should have both cubicles and open-plan, so workers can decide which one they want to use according to current task.


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