Saturday 11 August 2018

Stories: reading 1 "National Hero" (SkRW22, p79, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have just read and checked our understanding of "National Hero," the first reading in Unit 8 of Skillful RW2.


Our response 

Having read the text a couple of times, Rogers and Wilkin now invite us to respond to the ideas in a critical thinking exercise.

Rogers and Wilkin's questions

Comment on the following questions, which are the two critical thinking questions on page 79 (Rogers & Wilkin, 2013), and then reply to at least two of your classmates' comments. 


  • Explorers such as Scott do not often become heroes any more. Today, many heroes are famous athletes, actors, or singers.
    Why do you think that the idea of who is a hero changes over time? 
    • Heroes have change because  ... As usual, it's up to you whether you use the language that Rogers and Wilkin suggest to help you start responding.
  • Do you know any other "heroes" whose reputation has changed over time?
    Why did these changes happen?
    One person whose reputation has changed is ...  


  • Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan Education


  1. I think a lot of heroes' reputations change over time, and usually for the worst, although perhaps not always. For example, Burma's Aung San Suu Kyii once had a heroes reputation for her stand against military dictatorship in Myanmar, but since she has failed to stand up for the Rohingya citizens of Myanmar, who are are treated as outcasts in their own country, which denies them citizenship while the brutal Myanmar army rapes and kills them, her reputation has sunk.

    It is harder to think of a hero whose reputation improved over time. Perhaps civil rights activists like Rosa Parks show this. She was initially seen as a hero only be African Americans and white Americans who thought that she was right to break the unjust racial segregation laws in the US in the 1950s. Like Thailand's Jatupat Boonpatararaksa (Pai Dao Din), she was a criminal. But her protest against unjust law was later seen as the right thing to do. And of course Nelson Mandela, and also Aung San Suu Kyii, show us that being a criminal can be a morally good thing. I think that Rosa Parks' reputation in the US today is probably more consistently higher than it was when she first committed her crime to protest unjust law, and perhaps one day more people will agree with the Kwang Ju Human Rights group, who awarded Jatupat their annual award for human rights in 2017.

  2. hero are famous only for some times, when there are new hero. people are more interested in the new ones. some of the people may still think that those people are "old" heroes, but some people may thinks that it's their "hero" no matter who they are whether it's athletes, actors, singers etc. people have different point of view.

    1. Can you add some examples for your ideas here? Examples help readers to clearly understand your idea, and also to support it.

    2. for example, there was a young boy and his dream was to be a football player. since his dream was to be football player,his idol was a football player named lionel messi. messi is his hero, he wanted to be a hero too just like messi.

  3. Nowadays, I the person can be a hero when they have made the something helpful to the other people not for them self those people will be well know in publish. For example to help Moopa in the cave their have many hero their.
    I think everyone can be a hero

    1. I like your last idea. Can you give us examples of how you and I can be heroes?

  4. I think one reason why explorers like Scott became a hero is that during that era there were a lot of people who made new scientific discoveries whether from scientific experiments or from scientific expeditions. It was in public attention. And people also had limited knowledge about the earth, so any new knowledge that might be useful could be considered as national success. However, discovering something was not easy, many people had to risk their lives to do such thing. With these combination, people risking their lives to find new knowledge, it is no wonder why they called them heroes.

  5. Because when time passes for so long, the new situation will happen and people may forget what heroes had done in the past. And now we're in the digital era not in a time of exploration any more. So children who are the new generation don't probably appreciate the exploration but singer or actors instead because those people may be idols for childrens. Childrens are likely to be percive their singes or actocs are heros because of their great ability

    1. I wonder whether your classmates agree that "now we're in the digital era not in a time of exploration any more." It's an interesting idea responding to changes in who is a hero these days.

  6. Today is an IT world, they can know a lot of news from worldwide so quickly. The most of people are interest in social network more than who explores the new land.In the past, heroes are always from that people who found the new land because it very hard . But now, Heroes are always from social network because everyone use social network. I think national hero is far from people.

  7. In my opinion, the idea of "hero" have been changing over time, because the present situations making hero relate to several factors such as technology and the stream of interest. the. For example, rescuing childs from the cave stated that everyone who determines to help in that place is our heroes especially Sam, one of confidential military who dies in this situation with his brave. Although, nowadays, we rarely have hero in war context, heroes in other situation occur always and everyone can be hero also.


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