Sunday 16 May 2021

Aom Nicha: introduction in three parts

A regular habit

Everyone has their own regular habits. Mine are traveling to Japan, watching movies, doing jigsaw puzzles, taking a nap, and so on. But, one of my most favorite things is shopping online.

I do online shopping biweekly. There are two online shopping applications that I use most. First of all, I use Shopee when I’m in Thailand. The benefits of this app are the prices, which are less than the normal market price, as well as a plenty of promotions. However, the free shipping codes sometimes can not be applied and I can not find out the reason, along with a strict return policy. Normally, I like to get my phone cases and shirts from Shopee. In addition, I used Amazon while I was in the United State. If you either buy over 25 dollars or have Amazon prime, it is automatically free shipping. Moreover, I can use gift cards on Amazon, along with easy returns. Nevertheless, prices are close to the store selling-price, plus they do not have as many promotions as Shopee. I mostly got everything from Amazon during my exchange year. This is because when my host family brought me to the groceries store I got a lot of pressure from them while finding goods. Personally, I prefer Amazon to Shopee since Amazon's system is better than Shopee’s such as free shipping conditions and return policy.

There are multiple reasons why I would rather shop online than in a store. Firstly, it does not waste time or money to get into the shop. Apart from that, I can take my time to decide to buy it or not without pressure. In addition, I can compare the price easily. Lastly, I can find a lower price compared to the usual market price.



Getting my news

Everyone has their own sources of news. For instance, BBC, New York times, Thairath, Daily News, Manager, and so on. For me, it is Twitter which is a social networking service.

I log in to Twitter more than five times a day. There are multiple reasons why I like Twitter. First of all, it is fast and convenient. This is because everyone can post everything they want immediately without asking permission. Moreover, I can read news that is not normally reported. For instance, the weirdest thing in France, there is a story like 10th graders competed against each other by throwing their phone, and the person whose phone was broken the most won. As a result, it became my new knowledge. Lastly, there are plenty of teenagers on Twitter. Consequently, I can find someone who has a similar opinion on the news and talks about it.

However, there is a drawback of Twitter. The news on Twitter can be fake news. Because everyone can post everything. For example, Abby accuses Joe on Twitter of stealing money from the bank, which act was not committed by Joe. After that everyone would be disappointed in and blame Joe. The measure is that you do not believe the news at first. In addition, you have to check the credibility of the account that posted it, and check the reliability from the news.


Zemach's most useful strategy

Zemach suggested five ways to use this book effectively, which were coming to class well-prepared, asking questions, practicing, reviewing, and being an independent learner. For me, the best strategy is practice.

There are multiple reasons why I think practice is the best strategy. Firstly, languages are subjects that need to be revised. Therefore, the more you do the exercise, the better your language skills get. In addition, once you learn it, you cannot immediately memorize it. Because the brain cannot remember the information at first, but it needs to be heard or seen plenty of times.

According to Bruce Lee, who was an American Chinese martial artist, actor, director, martial arts instructor, and philosopher, ‘Practice makes perfect. After a long time of practicing, our work will become natural, skillful, swift, and steady’. Hence, practicing is the main key for Bruce Lee to become successful.

From my experience, I had to take the SAT to apply to college. I finally found out that the only way to improve my SAT score is practice. Additionally, studying with a tutor does not mean your SAT score will be high. Moreover, doing past papers and reviewing your wrong answers will increase your score. This is because you can know your mistakes or misunderstandings, then you study those topics again. As a consequence, in the next past paper, you will not answer wrong.



  1. I couldn't agree more with you. I love shopping online. There are many websites and applications in mobile phone that make people more convenient. I am a huge fan of shopee. It is million of shops there. I think that is good for customers about comparing price. Also, people have more choice to buy a product. Sometimes, I was disappointed about the products that were not the same quality as the shop said.

    1. Pueng's reply to Aom's interesting post reminded me of my own experiences.

      I shop online often, but these days almost only for digital products - books, movies, and so on. I used to buy paper books from Amazon, but have not done that for many years now. The last physical object I bought online was a set of four coffee mugs. I bought them from a shop in England to replace my old one that had encountered an accident with the waving arm of the excited son of a visiting friend. Happily, they were exactly what I expected when they arrived, but it's a brand I've known and used for several decades now, so I was pretty confident that I would get exactly what I expected when I paid for it.


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