Wednesday 19 May 2021

Nam: Introduction in three parts

A regular habit

Sleep is the thing that everyone always does at night. Everyone should sleep 6-8 hours per day. Sleep is one of my regular habits and others too. No one lives life without sleep. So, sleep is very important for our life and our health.

I sleep every night but my sleeping hours are different. When I studied at school, I slept for more than 8-10 hours. When I studied at university, I slept for approximately 4-6 hours. But sometimes I had much homework and some activities in the university. They made me sleep only two hours. It is the minimum hours for my sleep, but it’s really not good for me because I feel like my brain is so empty and I can’t think carefully. So, I will avoid sleeping less if I can. And the maximum hours that I sleep is 12 hours. I think it is a very long time, but I really love the way I’m sleeping. I will sleep for 12 hours when I am tired and have enough time. For me, sleep helps me relax and heal my health, including my mental health. The brain will rest when I am sleeping. 

In the future, I must go to work from Monday to Friday. I think my sleeping hours will be less than eight hours because I must wake up early. I don’t know how much work that I must do. I hope I will have enough time to sleep at least six hours per day. I know if I don’t get much sleep, I will blur and make job mistakes. Therefore, I will go to bed early to get enough sleep and it will be a great day.



Getting my news

Many things happen in this world and we can know those things from the news. News is the thing that makes me know what generally happens in my country and foreign countries. Moreover, I know about technologies, economic conditions and political problems from the news. There are many ways to get the news because nowadays we have the internet and online platforms to see what is happening easily through our phone, tablet and computer. So, everyone can get the news anywhere and anytime that they want.

I get my news from many online platforms such as Twitter and Youtube. I like Twitter the most because I think it updates in real time faster than others. I can retweet the tweet to share the news. Retweet is one of the functions of Twitter. It can spread information to many people easily. I must think carefully before retweeting because it can be fake news. It's an easy way to get information, but it's an easy way to make people misunderstand, too. Other than that I like to get the news from “Mission to the Moon” youtube channel. It has a “Mission Daily Report'’ news program every morning Monday to Friday. It's an online platform so I can watch this live program in the car and I can watch it later if I miss it. I think this program can report the news interestingly. It feels like someone talks with me and makes me think about each topic. In my opinion, It’s a really good news program. Apart from online platforms, I get my news from television programs too but less often than online platforms. I think the television program is a basic way that everyone can access because almost every home has a television.


Zemach's most useful strategy

Everyone has a way to learn English proficiently in their own way. There are many ways to improve your English skills. It depends on the mindset of each one to be excellent in English language. There is not a wrong way or right way, but an appropriate way.

For me, being an independent learner is the most useful for learning English. This way makes me familiar with English language and not to put more pressure on myself. If we can learn English in a relaxed way, we will be happy with it and learn English more efficiently. I think if I use English usually every day by making everything around me English, it will be helpful. Basically, I can set the language in my phone to English and search something on the Internet in English. Moreover, I like to learn English by watching movies in English. I think my English skill is better and I’m joyful with English. Other than that, I can listen to music and read books that I am interested in in English. In the past, I didn’t set a goal for being an independent learner, but Zemach’s suggestion made me know that I should set a goal. So I will set a goal by watching, reading or listening to something in English every day for at least five minutes per day. Hopefully, I will be better in English and keep going to improve my English skill.



  1. Hi Num, I agree with you that having enough sleep help us to think clearly. I used to go to bed around 2:00 a.m. and wake up around 5:00 a.m. in order to finish my works and I think it was not good for my brain, body ane mental. Have you ever notice any symptoms when you haven't got enough sleep? I have, and whenever I go to bed after the midnight, my skin turns yollow like the symptoms of having liver disease. I went to see my doctor and he adviced me to go to bed around 10:00 p.m. to follow human biological clock. According to the biological clock, the right time to go to sleep is around 10:00 p.m. because that is the time that our brains product growth hormone the hormone that is neccessary to cure our whole body. Therefore, even though it is challenging for me to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. everyday, I am try to manage my time at work and finish everything around 9:30 p.m. so that I can sleep around 10:00 p.m. Have a nigth sleep!

    1. About 30 years I was able to sometimes get by on only three hours sleep, but that definitely does not work today. I would not now think of going to bed at 2:00 AM and then getting up again at 5:00.

      I usually sleep around midnight, but 10:00 PM might be a healthier time to aim for. Unfortunately, my natural inclination is work late, like until 2:00 or 3:00 AM, and get up late, but that does not fit my schedule very well. I feel better, and I'm sure I function better, if I go to bed and get up at the same times every day, and because I have 9:00 AM classes on weekends, that means it's a good idea to get up at 7:00 every day, which means sleeping no later than midnight.

  2. Sleep is one of my most favorite habits. I personally could sleep without eating or doing anything for a day because dreaming makes me joyful and excited. There is a movie named “Inception” that could describe how fun while we are sleeping. In the dream our imagination can go limitless and we can do everything beyond our capabilities. Moreover, I believe enough sleeping would potentially enhance your brian, body and mind to function well. Most people who lack of sleep could cause their body and mind to become unstable, expectantly emotional swing, lack of productivity, no motivation, and more. Therefore, I personally love the way of sleeping habits and having positive viewpoints in it.

    1. I also enjoyed Inception, the photography, the action, and the story are all great. And as Pingpong says, the dream sequences portray very well the fun we can have in our dreams. I almost never remember my dreams, but believe if we make an effort to habitually write them down in a journal, we start to remember them much better. Even when I wake during an intense dream, I usually promptly fall back to sleep, and immediately forget what I've been dreaming.

  3. Sleep is one of my most favorite habits. I personally could sleep without eating or doing anything for a day because dreaming makes me joyful and excited. There is a movie named “Inception” that could describe how fun while we are sleeping. In the dream our imagination can go limitless and we can do everything beyond our capabilities. Moreover, I believe enough sleeping would potentially enhance your brian, body and mind to function well. Most people who lack of sleep could cause their body and mind to become unstable, expectantly emotional swing, lack of productivity, no motivation, and more. Therefore, I personally love the way of sleeping habits and having positive viewpoints in it.


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