Sunday 16 May 2021

Yo: introduction in three parts

A regular habit

Great beverages will turn an ordinary day into something unique and enjoyable. A good drink will gradually improve my mood or alleviate tension. It is also helpful for keeping my body hydrated. Thus, I make it a daily habit to drink my favourite cup, such as a cup of coffee, before doing my other activities.

Since I enjoy drinking beverages every day, I try various drinks to find those that fit my taste and circumstances. Due to the hot weather in Thailand, many people prefer a cold drink. On the other hand, a cup of hot black coffee in the morning is the first choice that I will choose to drink. This beverage can aid in making my body and soul more energized before going to work or school. However, a sweet beverage is acceptable. When I feel exhausted throughout the day, I will put more sugar in my veins by drinking sweet drinks. A glass of bubble tea or cold soft drink is a perfect choice to lift my mood. Even if I have an unpleasant day, drinking my favourite beverages will help me forget about it.

Aside from the beverages mentioned above, mineral water is one of my favourite drinks. I can easily consume over ten glasses of water a day. However, sometimes this habit gives me a hard time. Drinking too much water means you will need to use the toilet often. It bothers me in some situations, especially when I have a long meeting or need to concentrate on my reading. As a result, I intend to reduce the number of daily drinks or switch to sipping a small amount of water. Nonetheless, if there are many interesting drinks waiting for me to try, I assume my plan to change this habit should fail.


Getting my news

Daily newspapers, magazines, and television programs used to be popular ways of getting news. However, after the introduction of social media platforms, these ways have been less attractive. They are also a bit slow updating. Nowadays, people can rapidly spread a ton of information via social networks. Thus, daily accessing online platforms, such as Facebook, is my approach to finding hot news articles.

I prefer to read online articles on websites, including BBC News, to follow breaking news around the world. These articles generally help me gain information relevant to my interests, that is, political news, the latest legislation, and the current Covid19 situation. Reading online blogs while eating breakfast, taking a lunch break, or before going to bed is my daily habit.

If I do not have enough time to update the regular stuff, my family and friends will act as my personal reporters. They ordinarily send me the latest news, gossip, or hot issues through instant messaging applications, such as Line or Facebook Messenger.  In case the information is very exciting, and my family and friends need a quick talk, they will call me instead of sending text messages. With their report, I will be able to obtain up-to-date news and discuss it with other people in meetings or when hanging out.

Last but not least, because of the rapid pace of online news, such news might not be accurate. There are several times that I saw people sharing fake news on social networks. Fake news is unacceptable from my perspective. Thus, I will try to find an acceptable reference and compare the information with other sources every time before sharing them with my followers. People should read carefully and critically before trusting any details posted on the internet, although the internet is the easiest way of getting news.


Zemach's most useful strategy

As Zemach’s advises in the book, practice is the key factor for being successful. I strongly agree that memorizing and using the knowledge that you learn frequently will gradually enhance your ability. The more you practise, the more chance you have to develop skills, leading to a higher opportunity to achieve your goals.

Only techniques from courses and books will not be sufficient if you want to be a pro player. I precisely remember when I started driving a car. Before driving on the road, I spent several days reading guides and other drivers’ experience and suggestions on the internet. At first, I firmly believed that I was ready for my first driving. Indeed, just starting an engine made me so nervous. Although I knew how to use the car devices, I could not drive confidently. Various abrasions appeared on my vehicle. I swore that my first driving experience was horrible. Then, I tried to drive every day in order to practise my driving skill. Finally, I thought my driving was sharper, safer and more confident.

Like driving a vehicle, learning other languages that are different from your native language commonly needs practice. I always keep in mind that I have been studying English for more than half of my life. No matter how many classes I attended, I could not use English as fluently as I wanted. Thus, I started my self-practice outside the classes a few years ago by listening to podcasts, watching series without subtitles, reading news in English, and hanging out with English speakers. After several months, I felt my English skill improved continuously, and I could apply such a skill confidently. As a result, I will regularly practise more and more to be a pro-English speaker in the future. 



  1. I also like to drink coffee in every morning, but I prefer iced coffee with no sugar. Sweet coffee is not acceptable for me! However, some beverages I allow sugar to be added (with minimal amount) such as iced tea latte or fruit juices. These beverages really soothe me especially when I feel down or depressed.

    1. I agree with Aom regarding sugar. I can't stand it in my coffee, whether hot or black, and I don't like it in other drinks. In fact, I never drink sweet soft drinks - the last time I had Coke was probably more than 30 years ago, although I did get a Sprite just a few years ago when I was persuaded to eat at Burger King. It seemed to go with the burger and fries, but I left most of it undrunk.

      the same for fruit juices. I like them fresh and not sweetened. I'm a regular customer at a street stall in my soi because the seller has the refreshing orange juice that I like on a break.

  2. I really agree with you. I have to drink some good beverage everyday to refresh myself. Last year, I have to study for SAT and IELTS, study at school, woke up early, and went to bed late for about 4 months. As a result, I am lack of sleep, sometimes out of my mind, lack of energy, and brain fade. As a consequence, I have to drink a sweet cold beverage so that I can study for the test effectively. In addition, water is also essential too. There is no kind of beverage can be replaced water.


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