Thursday 31 January 2013

Jennifer's proposition of " A certain cigarette manufacturer uses a cartoon cacter in its advertising,"

 Government ought to intervene actively  in the advertisement strategy of cigarette manufacturers. Few years ago in Korea one brand of cigarett, Maison gained a big popular favor among twenties in a short time apparently. On one TV program that has dealt the current affairs most of the specialists interviewed insisted the rapid increase of the demand of the cigarett was caused by the advertisement stratege of the manufecturer. The firm used attractive cat as the cigarett's character; then the specialists argued that it was the one important reason of the supports among yonger generations. Of course, I agree that many kinds of ban have not worked well ;however, we should not give up even the trial to protect our teenager's health and the people who don't usually pay attention to their own health. Most of teenagers have tendency to be effected by the pretty,cute and attrative characters of the products. Therefore,the cartoon characters such as a Mickey Mouse ought be banned the use of the cigarett's character.
Hartmann, P. & Blass, L. (2007). Quest 3 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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