Monday 7 January 2013

Ob's hero

When the word "Hero" comes to my mind, the first idea is my mother. Since I can remember, I never stand far from her. She always stays with me every time both happy and sad time.

Due to raising me and my brother as a single mom, she has not much time to take care of herself. In my childhood, she looked after us patiently. She was never angry on us when three little boys fought one another. She sacrificed her comfort to make her children pay more attention to study by doing all housework by herself without ask for any help from me. Three meals a day for four people were cooked delicately. While she worked so hard, my brothers and I sometimes did not act as she want. We often played computer games before do our homework, but she never yell on us. She still taught us to be a reasonable boys for our society.

When I grow up, my mother still my beloved hero. Even I meet so many people, I never meet anyone who is as patient, calm and generous as her.


  1. I'm afraid my mum isn't someone who comes to mind when I think of heroes, but as I got older, like after 20, I realised that my dad had some qualities that might qualify him as a hero in his unassuming, Superman-like way.

    I like the way that Ob gives clear reasons with solid supporting details for his idea that his mother is a hero.

  2. Wow your mom is truly a super mom. I respect all the single mom. I think it is a very tough work to raise a child or children all by herself, especially in the past 20 years among the more conservative culture than nowadays. After I read your response writing, I am start to doubt myself whether I can be a good mother in the far future. I used to think about having a baby without having a husband but now I think I don't have enough patience to raise a child. Maybe my better choice is a single woman than a single mom.

  3. Wow!! you have a great mom. I don't wonder why you think your mom is hero; I totally agree with you. In real life, my mom is my hero too. I love the way she taught me. If I did something, she will warn me with clear and rational reason. She said even I blame you, I do because I love you. I think her words is the great sincere more than the other persons.

  4. After reading your writing, I have to change my qualification of hero from super power to having patience for the reality. I know well having patience is difficult to my own child especially there is only child. It's like a monk under penance. I alredly threw away the wish that I am a good mother. The reality is severeer than knowledge.

  5. I also have three children so I think your mother is a super mom. I think to devote to even one's own kids sometimes make person exaust and impatient.

  6. For me, she is a SUPER PATIENT mom. I wondered where she gets this skill from. I want, at least, to have half of her patience that might improve my everyday life.

    Besides, since she raised her three boys toughly, she warns us think prudently before having a girl friend. >O<


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