Sunday 20 January 2013

Quest for Clarity

The first part of the weekend homework involved interpreting the story "Alone on a Hilltop" (Hartmann & Blass, 2007, p. 29) in terms of Campbell's ideas on the hero as he explains them in the transcription "The Hero's Journey" (pp. 202 - 204). In my lesson plan, I thought that a review of Hartmann and Blass's questions 1. and 2. in the Comprehension Check, A, on page 204 would be useful preparation for this.

Although Hartmann and Blass clearly think that their questions 1. and 2. there are different, we found it a little confusing when we checked in class last week, but some of the subsequent discussion over the next two days was helpful, which further led led me to think that it would be useful to go back and review those questions before we proceeded to check the interpretation of Lame Deer and Erdoes' story in terms of Campbell's hero concept.

There are two specific questions to consider:
  1. From the language they use in their questions, how to Hartmann and Blass think that their first two questions in exercise A. on page 204 are different? What distinguishes the two questions?
    What do the authors do to help clarify the distinction they think is important? 
  2. How does the grammar of the sentences where we find the answers to each question reflect this distinction? 
Please feel welcome to share your ideas in a comment below. 

Hartmann, P. & Blass, L. (2007). Quest 3 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York:P McGraw-Hill.

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