Monday 7 January 2013

Katie's heroes

My memory about heroes began with American comics where main characters are Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonderwoman, and so on. They all have super power which is not real in the real world but always help people against evil power. For me it was most imprinted fact to be a hero to have super power. I couldn't understand people who don't have super power are called heroes during my childhood. In my case, heroes equal to people have super power against to evil counter parts.

When I could see the real world, I realized that my heroes are just in comic books. In the real world, there is no super power like in comic books. However I still like my heroes' qualification: super power part. Maybe it is the same reason that children are crazy about magic in Harry Potter. If Harry weren't a wizrad, the story would be boring and no interesting like now. Heores in story could give some dream to people event though people come to be grown-ups. Until now, my number one hero is Superman.

I'm wating new super hero's birth which could overcome my hero. From amazing imagination, people could create another type of hero whom people living this time want to have.


  1. I agree. I think Superman is widly accepted as a symbol of heroism . In my primary school, the boys always used wearing red underwear over their shorts as a symbol of becoming a hero. I cant remember much about the first version of superman, but I like the tv series about Clark Kent when he is a teenager. The one called Smallville. :)

    1. I think anyone who wore red underwear over their shorts at my school might have been seriously laughed at, unless the group of tough boys all did it. I liked Superman, but I liked Batman a lot more - maybe because Batman was just human, but had lots of cool tools on this bat-belt, and a massive diamond in the bat cave. We used to joke about him and Robin wearing their underwear on the outside.

    2. In my primary school, heroes for boys are Saint Zeya and Gogun from Dragon balls animation. They always imitated to be those hero and refused to be opposite characters. I rarely see that they played to be superman. The reason is "Channel 9 cartoon" program that showed only Japanese animation.

      For me, I seldom watched American animation like Superman. But I watched their superhero movies instead. I like Batman movies in Clooney version which is quite old. lol

    3. I know that there are many arguements who is the best hero amongst the comics heroes. After the movie "The Avengers", Hulk comes to be the best, alas. And after the recently movie of Batamn, I have to feel the what aging is.

      I once liked Dragon ball, the Japanese Manga, where stronger characeters always apppears infintely, and makes readers be bored with the ceaseless appearing new ones.

  2. When I was young, I think like you that there was no hero in the reality. However, after I saw an animation "Megamind" recently, my thought changed. Since the defeat of Hero to the evil, it has nothing left to destroy. Then, the evil recognized that what he really wants is the respect from other people. Finally, he changed himself to be a good man who helps the society a lot.This story tells me that all of us can be a hero even if you were an counter parts.

    1. Maybe I should watch Megamind a little more closely. It looks like fun, and the five-year-old son of one of my friends loved it, but was was sort of half watching it - and he was also watching the Thai language version. I'll see if I can borrow it from him.

    2. I also wathced the Megamind becaue of my daughter's favorite. The main character, Magamind, who wants to be a famouse heros, actually isn't a real hero becaue his purpose to act like a hero is not eager to do good things but to save his precious things. He is an anti-hero, who looks like a hero but he doesn't have hero's virutres and qualitites.

  3. I found that the heros' one attrative common. It's their rapid and perfect changing in their costums and appearences. I think that their anonymities let them more attractive so we became love even their disguised daily lives and appearences. I especially enthusiastic Wonder Woman, Linda Carter, a beatiful actress of America.


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