Saturday 1 September 2018

Water: before reading 2 "The World's Largest Garbage Dump" (SkRW2, p91)

What we read

As usual, before we read a text, Rogers and Wilkin invite us to think about the topic or ideas that are coming up. The second reading in Unit 9 of Skillful is titled "The World's Largest Garbage Dump," and as usual, there is are some question to share our ideas on before we read it.


Rogers and Wilkin's questions

Write two or three paragraphs to discuss these questions in a comment. 

  • Which of the following do you recycle at home? 
    bottles, cardboard, glass, paper, plastic bottles, plastic packaging 
    I usually recycle ... , but it's difficult to recycle ... where I live.
  • Where does trash go if it's not recycled? 
     It largely goes ...
  • Aside from recycling, what should people be doing to reduce the amount of plastic waste? 


  • Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 2. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. I don't normally recycle anything, but there is one exception: plastic bags and containers. I use my shopping bags from Tops and other places as garbage bags, and the smaller ones I use to carry my pens at AUA, to carry my lunch snack on days when I have two classes, and sometimes to put stuff in for friends. I also like to recycle the plastic containers that I sometimes buy ready made food in.

    But that's about it. I sometimes save the boxes that things come in, but they just end up cluttering my home until I get sick of them and throw them out. At the moment, there is a large box on top of one of my sets of shelves. It used to contain the 34 inch monitor I bought for my new computer in January. I'm not sure how long it will be allowed to sit there uselessly. It's a lovely cardboard box, but it really is useless.

  2. at home, i usually recycle plastic bags, plastic bottle and papers but its difficult to recycle aluminium cans because we don't really need them.
    the trash that are not recycle will be going to the dump factory.
    in my opinion, i think people should used plastic bottles to make a mouse trap in their house, so that it could be useful and affortable.

    1. I like your mouse trap suggestion, although I've never seen a mouse in my condo. Maybe I could revise your idea a bit to use them for cockroaches, which I do occasionally see, although thankfully not too often.

    2. And I would welcome suggestions on how to kill or discourage the filthy pigeons that seem to like my balcony.

    3. I afraid a mouse, so I can't pick them when I trapped it. I clean the place I think the mouse not come.

  3. I recycle plastic bottle by reuse, I use plastic bag again to collect garbage and send it. I kept a bottle water and reuse it.
    If it not have a trash, I think we will have pollution.
    I think we should reduce plastic because it make us a pollution

    1. i really like your idea on how you reuse plastic bags for garbage instead of black garbage bags

    2. I agree with you I think we should reduce plastic because it takes long time to degradation. If we burn it,it will launch chemical that very dangerous to our health.

    3. Also, I reuse plastic bag to collect garbage because
      of no large areas in my condominium. I sounds redundant, but I think it is better than buying more plastic bag. However, I do not like my choice and if I have more options I should separate kind of garbage and its colors garbage bag to be well-realised.

  4. I think the final place where trash goes is the national burning garbage plants. I used to read about the process of this place before, so it is good to reduce a large amount of garbage. Anyway, people around still do not accept this plant because of being scared to the pollution.

    1. If the government plan to build garbage plants near my home, I think I would oppose to the idea, too. So I think generally noone would be happy if they are going to live near garbage plants.

  5. I usually recycle paper bags because I think it can use in many times until it torn and to save the environment. Glass bottles is the most things that I usually recycle at my home. When I buy sugar water ,it always use glass bottles and I will clean and take drinking water instead.

    If the trash not go to recycle,it largely goes to the land and put it likes a big mountain trash.

    1. I also recycle plastic bags. They are still useful for putting stuff in, and like Nok, I use them as garbage bags.

  6. Even though I don't recycle any trash at my home, my mom usually sells old newspapers to some recycle shops near my home. As far as I know, most trash ends up in landfills, which I think is not good especially if I have to live near landfills. In Thailand I think it is hard to recycle trash because we usually throw most garbage in one bin. So, it needs a lot workers to separate each type of garbage by hands, and that maybe why most trash goes to landfills.

    1. I used to give my old newspapers to one of the maids at my condo, who I guess also sold them. But I haven't bought a paper version of a newspaper for many years now. The Internet has helped me to reduce my garbage pile!


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