Saturday 1 September 2018

Water: readings 1 & 2, "Fresh Water Delivery" and "The World's Largest Garbage Dump" (SkRW2, pp. 89 & 91, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have now read and checked our understanding of the readings "Fresh Water Delivery" (Rogers & Wilkin, p. 89, 2013) and of "The World's Largest Garbage Dump" (p. 91).


Our response 

As they normally do, Rogers and Wilkin now invite us to respond critically to the ideas in these readings. 

Rogers and Wilkin's questions

Write a paragraph or two to share your ideas on these two questions. You can start with either question, but make it clear in your first sentence what you are going to talk about. That is, your response should make sense to readers who have not seen the questions: don't assume that readers have read the question you are responding to.

  • Is it more important to deal with the impact man has already had on our planet, or to change current human behaviour? Why?
  • Which do you think is a bigger concern: pollution or water shortages? 


  • Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan Education

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