Monday 7 October 2013

Discussion. 1: drug use up or down? Quest 2, "Drug Use and Abuse Worldwide"

Hartmann’s reading in Part 2 of Chapter 7, “Drug Use and Abuse Worldwide” (2007, pp. 203 - 211) discusses several addictive substances and their use in several countries. Before we read it, we want to see what ideas we already have so that we can check them as we read the text. This is the purpose of the prediction making exercise C. on page 204, which we are doing here.

Response write on the following question:
  • 1. Is the use of drugs and alcohol increasing or decreasing in most countries? 
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Addiction of illegal drug and alcohol can cause society problem in most country. although government officers try hard to decrese....

    1. Is there any better recommendation about addict to drug in Thailand? Does it work here?

    2. I think the government does not try enough to stop this problem. They spend most of their time on the project which they get more benefit like giving children tablets. They should focus on the serious problems such as education system or drugs, which they always ignore.

    3. In my view, one reason of not putting an attempt to stop people drinking alcohol and some drugs, especially cigarette, is that gov. gain money from those taxes.

  2. it depend on education of the country. increasing usually occur in the country that has a low education.

    1. I like Ong's idea here. It sounds reasonable that addiction would be increasing in countries with lower education rates, but I'm not sure if it's true.

      The US is highly educated, as is England, but I think that in both countries, addiction rates are generally high. But perhaps they are no longer increasing.

      On the other hand, in countries that are very poor, such as THailand 100 years ago, were addiction rates and drug use higher or lower than today?

      I think we need to check some statistics or other facts here.

  3. In Taiwan, it is decreasing of the use of alcohol in the recent years. Our traffic minister make a intelligent suggestion on it. You will go into prison at least 5 years after driving the car with drank whatever you have car accident or not.

    1. In Thailand, we have a similar law but the sentence is too weak and the police always do bribery, so the rate of drinking is still increase. However, I think it can decrease the rate of accident from alcohol although it's not too much.

    2. The recommendation in Taiwan is definitely working. The police will do bribery after catching the driver with drank. Interestingly, riding a bicycle after drank is illegal in Taiwan, it is sound ridiculous. However, it is true.

    3. Would it help if alcohol were treated as other addictive drugs? That is, if the makers of Beer Singha, Leo, red wine, Johnny Walker and the like, and all the sellers of this deadly drug of addiction were imprisoned?

  4. I think in developing countries the use of drug and alcohol is increasing because they have poor education and many social problems like poverty that they cannot solve, so they decide to use drug in order to solve these problems or use them to forget their problems. On the other hand, I think in developed countries they use less drug and alcohol because they do not need to. They can solve their problems by using their thought or money.

    1. I agree with you, but I think in every country always have a poverty society that people use drug and drink alcohol, and it is not only just about developed countries or not. For example, Alcohol consumption, People in every level -poor to billionaire- are drinking not just because they can't solve the problems, for recreation is included. Then they become an addict.

  5. For me, I think the use of drugs and alcohol are increasing in most country. There might be just some country that decreasing the number of them. However, the use of alcohol seems to increasing highly more than drugs. Because some cultures are encouraging their people to drink alcohol as a social reason. Also new developed alcohol are more likely to be tasty than before. Some countries drink the alcohol just for a special occasion, which is not a big problem. But in some countries that use alcohol because of thier stresses is a big problem for the society.

  6. 1. Is the use of drugs and alcohol increasing or decreasing in most countries?

    I think in most countries, drugs and alcohol are more increase used because of social problems. For example, When adult who works hard and faces with working problem, they use alcohol consumption to forget any problem with their friends like a short time happiness for them.

  7. Personally, using illegal drugs is decreasing because the punishment is very cruel. For example, police put dealers, who sell these drugs, in the the jails and the prisoners will be punish in different ways such as getting injection to die, firing to these prisoners. However, selling alcohol still increases because some people want to relieve their stress and bad mood.

    1. And should the punishment be very cruel?
      What would justify cruel punishment for some drugs, such as marijuana, yaa baa and heroin, but not other drugs, such as alcohol?
      Shouldn't alcohol users and dealers be treated exactly the same way by the law as other drug producers, dealers and users?

      As Law points out, we need a morally relevant reason to discriminate amongst things, and I can't think of such a reason for making alcohol legal but marijuana illegal, which means that the current laws against some drugs are themselves immoral and unjust.

      Is there such a reason for the discrimination, or are drug laws mostly unjust prejudice?


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