Monday 14 October 2013

Response writing 3: One abused substance in my country. Quest 2, p. 218, ex. F.

In her concluding exercise to the three reading parts of chapter 7, Hartmann asks us to do some response writing on different topics that the previous readings have discussed (2007, p. 218, ex. F).

Response write on the following question:
  • 3. What is one substance that is abused in your country? What is its effect on the society?  
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. The most substance that is abused in my country is Yaa Baa, this substance makes a lot of effect such as family violent, crimes...

  2. "Yaabaa" or amphetamine is a common used throughout my country, Thailand. This fact can be easily proven by news and also my old neighborhood who was arrested because of using and selling this drug.

  3. The substance that is most abused in my country is easily alcohol. This drug has had a very long history in Australian culture. In the early days of the British colony of Sydney, the governor often paid people in rum, and there were rum riots when the citizens did not get enough.

    Today, alcohol remains an integral part of Australian culture - at sports events, people drink: beer at football games, champagne at horse racing events, and everything in between.

    There are some obvious bad results of this, especially violence and violent crime, including domestic abuse of wives and children by drunk men, but also by drunk women. However, I think that this drug, like most, also serves useful social functions in the culture - people do relax and have a good time over a meal or party where alcohol, often along with other drugs, contributes to the mood and enjoyment. So, it would be a mistake to think that drug use, even alcohol, is all bad. And it has given us some great stories to tell: how many nations have rum rebellions as part of their founding history?

  4. Methamphetamine or common name is Yaa Baa. It is abused substance in my country and it causes many problem in society such as stealing, crimes, health damage and so on. The government try to stop it epidemic by law and encourage addicted people to stop using its

  5. Cannabis is common substance that is abuse to use in Thailand because it is accessible and the effect of it make user satisfied.

  6. I think Yaa Baa or methamphetamine is a kind of illegal drugs that influences takers become out of control their mind as similar as a crazy person. We can see a lot of slum may deal with these illegal drugs to spread their areas.

  7. Although Yaa-baa have a severe effect and dangerous, the substance that is most abused in my country is alcohol. In Thailand, government organization - Thai Health Promotion Foundation launch many campaign to control the alcohol consumption and reduce the number of accident related to alcohol.


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