Wednesday 5 October 2016

Does android dream of electric sheep?

What I found in the news
A man wearing an Oculus Rift
What is like to wear Oculus Rift.
According to "'VR isn't a thing you do it's a place you visit': readers review Oculus Rift" , Rachel Obordo and Guardian readers are reviewing the brand new technology: Oculus Rift. The average score is quite high varies from four to five out of five. All of the reviewer are more than 24 years old and the highest is 57 year old. Most of them really love the feature of VR which transform the world around us in to the world of video game. Also, they love brand new experience of travelling in a graphic world because we as people never be in this kind of world where all the stuff around us are generated by computer.

My response
Expensive. Still I want to have this gadget from Facebook. As a game developer. I found out that VR technologies are the future of gaming or maybe life. Imagine living/eating in the imaginary world where you are "god". You can do anything that you want because it is only an array of logic gates that control the whole world. How realistic it is? that's a problem. Can we really know we are living or doing homework in the virtual world? Is there anyone who is very smart and know every detail in some extend that trying to deceive us using this extreme-detailed VR world?

Imagine, there is someone who know everything in detailed. Every atom in this room. Every atom in people mind. With this we can imply that this person car predict the future. What people in this room will think/do with ease. This problem is well known as Laplace's demon. However, I have proven it wrong using one theorem of the universe: Chaos theorem and the power of irrational number.

But I think that the problem of Laplace's demon is difference from this question about smart person who trying to make us think is this in a real world. Since the law of the universe is determine by this person unlike Laplace's demon where "fortune teller" has to obey the "real" universe law. Thinking about when we are sleeping. How do we know that we are sleeping? Our eye/nose and other sensing organ tell us so? Are we a program inside super computer? For me and other, it sounds easy that we are not dreaming and reading this blog post.

Rachel Obordo and Guardian readers. (2016, September 28). 'VR isn't a thing you do it's a place you visit': readers review Oculus Rift. The Guardian. Retrieved from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a blog post I am talking about :

  3. But Laplace being wrong is not enough to safe free will - that seems an illusion created by our brains, as the mounting evidence, as well as reason, suggests it must be.

    1. Yes, I agree with you.

    2. But how can we know we are not in the dream right now?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was about to buy this VR thing for many times but I didn't and decided not to because of its prices and unnecessary for me yet. I always love to try new IT items but VR is not on my list I also think it would affect my eyes in some way so that's why I think it wasn't a good idea to own it.

  6. I think its price is not really expensive anymore for some VR but I think it's unnecessary. Actually while browsing online-shopping sites, I found a site that I can get it so cheap as 100 thb for beta version but I thought that it was useless for me and it would be placed at a corner of my room by now if I bought it. Last time I saw VR in Thailand it costed less than a thousand. It is obvious that its quality can't be good. I am not certain that VR will keep its trend into the future considering its limitation. For example unlike mobile games, VR games is required to play indoor and players have to play the games solely and cannot do a multitask. Although there might be some potential but its use might only limit to adolescence. Unless he or she is a programmer, I don't think putting on VR while working is viable and none will risk losing their job to do so. Perhaps in a near future will there be a better instrument in that we won't risk our safety playing it.

    Like Anya, I also like to try something new but VR is still not on the top of my list yet.

    I am afraid that in the future if VR were a real deal, people might lose ability to distinguish dream and reality.


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