Tuesday 18 October 2016

The German Napoleon

What I found in the news

According to the BBC News article "Hitler birthplace: Austrian minister retreats on demolition",  Wolfgang Sobotka, Austria's Interior Minister, has changed his mind about destroying Hitler's guest house by renovate it instead(2016). The committee of experts said "demolishing the house come close to a denial of the Nazi history in Austria", so they suggested that the house should be renovated in order to reduce a symbolic power and used it for social purpose.

My response
After we talked on "Animal Farm" and mentioned about Hitler I decided to choose this article for bloging because I would like to know the story of him and some people may not know much about it, so I would like to tell his story briefly.
   According to"Adolf Hitler Biography", Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889 before he became leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazi party, he has been a painter who was interested in German nationalism. During the World War I, he served in German army and also won several awards for bravery. Unfortunately, Germany lost WWI and Hitler was shocked by German's surrender, he though that the German army was defeated because of civilian leaders and Marxists. After WWI, Hitler still worked for military he joined German Workers’ Party (DAP) as a spy for the Army. When he was in DAP he received many ideas of the anti-Semitic, nationalist and anti-Marxist ideas. In 1971, he became leader of DAP and changed the name of the party into Nazi. Moreover, Hitler was a starter of World War II by invading Poland in  1939. Finally, as we know, Germany could not win the war and Hitler decided to end his life by committed suicide on 30 April 1945.
Hitler birthplace: Austrian minister retreats on demolition (2016 October 18) BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37690981

Adolf Hitler Biography (2016 October 6). Retrieved from http://www.biography.com/people/adolf-hitler-9340144


  1. Hitler, like someone we are reading about, seems to have been a great leader. Do you agree? And who are the German people who liked him so much, who gave him so much power?

    1. the president of German in that time? I think he was forced to give power to Hitler. The former head of Hitler's party really liked Hitler but I am not sure what party it was. Eventually Hitler betrayed all his allies.

  2. As we saw in our discussion yesterday, one of the advantages for Orwell of writing a fairy tale was that readers could easily use his story to interpret a greater range of political histories than the Russian Revolution of 1917 which was the specific historical source for the events.

    How might this work for the rise of Nazi Germany?
    Who does Jones represent here? And Hitler?
    Who would you suggest other characters in the novel symbolize in this context?

    1. I guess that Hitler is fairly obviously Napoleon. But might we also have to change Orwell's plot a bit to analyse the situation in Germany during the 1930s?
      This should test your knowledge both of Orwell's story and of modern history.

    2. I think Jones might be person who was rich and exploit worker around the countries. In case of Russia, Jones would be Nicholas II, who was the last emperior of Russia. However, in case of Germany, Jones would be Jews. There is no Jews trying to get their position back; unlike, Nicholas II where he tried to get his position back in Russian Civil War.


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