Thursday 13 October 2016

Rewriting our stories (Skillful, p.82, Critical thinking 1 & 2)

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On page 82, Rogers and Wilkin ask a couple of questions to practice our critical thinking skills.

Discuss these question in a comment below.
  1. Do you agree that past events and how we view them shape who we become in the future?
    • I think (that) past events shape / don't shape us because …
  1. Why do you think that people focus on positive rather than negative memories?
    • We tend to focus on positive memories because …
Think about the ideas from the two readings "National Hero" and "Mixed Memories".
  1. Why do we rewrite the stories of famous people in history? Is it for the same reasons we rewrite our own life stories?
    • The reasons are / aren't the same because … 
    • It is / isn't the same because ... 
  2. When talking about the past, how can you change how a situation is portrayed? 
    • The main factors are … 
Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan.


  1. I think how we view the past events can shape who we will be in the future. Because once you had success in the past you will see that it's easy to make it success again in the future.

    People tend to focus on positive memories because it make them fell better than focus on negative memories.

    1. I think that the reasons we rewrite the story of famous people in the history are not the same as the reasons we rewrite our own life stories. Because we rewrite our own life stories to make it logic to our lives; however, we rewrite the story of famous people to make it impress for many people.

      The main factors we can talk about serious situation in the past in funny way may be because our brain don't like to remember serious situation and try to make it less seriously.

  2. I think that it's obvious that past events shape, even fully determine, who we become and who we are at any time. The alternative is that who we are and who we become is random, and that sounds wrong to me. I'm pretty sure that what happened in my mother's womb, what happened on the first day of kindergarten, and so on have all made my body and brain the way that they are so that I react in certain ways to new events, which in turn are added to set of influences that make me me.

    My memories of events is just one part of this. I really don't remember my first day at school, but have a vague sense that it was pretty awful. I suspect that my 86 year old mother's memory of that is still pretty clear, but I'm not sure that I want to know too much detail about that: as the reading "Mixed Memories" says, we tend to remember the positive. I don't think this is surprising. It's natural that pleasant, enjoyable things will be remembered and repeated more than the unpleasant.

    And that our memories will be gradually edited to make them more positive. Trying to think of examples, I remembered some bad things that have happened, but that I do tell, such as when I smashed my brothers fingers with a hammer: not particularly nice, but over time, this awful accident became a funny story of a childhood accident: even Matthew came to retell it as something funny, although neither of us saw it that way when blood was squirting from his crushed fingers.

    I think we rewrite the stories of famous people to make them serve our different social purposes, the relative importance of which varies over time. If we want heroes who are great empire builders bringing peace and prosperity to vast areas and spreading civilization, we can tell that story about Julius Caesar, as it was for almost 2,000 years, but if our concerns shift to social justice, prejudice, and the like, the story of Caesar and the Roman Empire becomes much darker.

  3. 1.I think (that) past events can shape us because when some big thing happen to us,it may have serious effects on us,we learnt experience from them to help us do make the same mistake again,and then we become better and better.
    2. We tend to focus on positive memories because the good memories always bring us happiness,people like to forget sadness and like happiness.
    3.The reasons aren't the same because sometimes people rewrite "hero"is because of their nation's requirement,during that time them need a hero like that.on the other hand,their vision and mind keep changing with the development of the society.For us,we define "hero" usually depend on ourselves experience and personalities,everyone is different,so the reasons are not the same.
    4.The main factors are depend on what situations they are,positive or negative,if the memories is positive,i may talk about more detail,otherwise i like to choose forget some bad memories which i hate to mention of.

  4. 1.I think past events shape us because we withhold them in our memories and when we encounter with those of similarity we will deal with the situation with our memories in mind. For example when we have faced with turbulence while we traveled on the plane before it is more likely that we will be composed and not really agitated when it faced with it again. For my friend, he used to speak in public a lot when he was a child so he is now a good public speaker.

    2.We tend to focus on positive memories because we want to make our life happier. However I am quite skeptical against this theory because negative memories is also as deep as positive memories and sometimes more clear. American citizens, for instance, will never , or not in a near future, forget the 911 event.

    1. No I don't think the reasons are the same. When someone rewrite the stories of famous people, his or her main objective is to demonstrate the truth and make younger generations know the truth or aspire to no distortion in history. On the other hand, when we rewrite our memories most of the time is to console ourselves or to make our life easier live. To illustrate this, students who got bullied in the past tend to forget these memories when they have grown up.

    2.The main factors are whether the memories are extreme or not. I think that if the memories is extreme we tend not to change our memories. Instead, we are more like ly to change the memories to be more acceptable.

  5. my view past events shape can effect the we will become in the future but not in direct way.because every past events become experiences.It depends on personal attitudes. It can effect or not and it can effect in many ways as well. They can learn from it and improve themselves or just regret it.
    2.we tend to focus on positive memories because we are trying to forget negative and move on. If we still think about negative it won't make us to do new good things.
    1.the reason aren't the same because we rewrite the stories of famous people for many reasons and we learn from it but for writing own life stories most people write it for other people can have benefits from it or we just want to become famous.
    2.the main factor is a situations have already passed and now we are safe. we are not in that mood.Some situations were very serious but we passed it. When we looked back our feeling were changed.

  6. I think that past events shape us because I believe that people always changing their minds or the way of thinking about something by experiences them. If in the past your life were so poor but you think about it in positive way and work harder to become successful. Just like some of famous people in Thailand they don't always come from a good family or a wealthy family. They don't give up just because of that they believe that if they work harder they can be successful in the future they always see thing in the bright side.

    Also if we always see thing in the bad side what is the result from that? Fear, of course, you won't be able to crate new things or dare to try for something better because you fear of failure. You won't start anything because you're negative angel always tells you that it won't be successful don't try it. Nothing can happen if you don't starting to do it.

    I think the reason that people rewrite the stories of famous people in history because they want to tell their own opinion about them and also some facts that they think other people don't know about. It can be in a positive or negative way just like the story of Scott in the article "National Hero".

    In ,my opinion, I think when talking about the past even how awful the situations were it won't be so serious as it was before. For instance, when I got a fight with my sister when I was very young I did something that made her eyes bleeding I mean blood came out of her eyes. It was a very awful situation ever but when we portrayed that it's not very serious anymore just one of fights when we were young and we don't get angry because of that anymore.

  7. I think that past events shape us because we learn from thing that we have experienced. For example, If we have not pass the exams because of not doing homework, so we would realize that next time we should do more homework.

    We tend to focus on positive memories because it make us feel happy and would like to think about that memories over and over.

    The reason that we rewrite the stories are the same because everyone want to have the beautiful stories that other people will admire you. So when they find out that there are some mistakes or failures in their stories, they will try to change it.

    The main factors are changing the way of thinking. For example, when I was young I though that falling the exam was the most horrible thing in life, but when I grow up I think falling the exam is not so bad.


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