Wednesday 5 October 2016

Fears: How might fear be positive? (Skillful, p.71, Critical thinking 1)

Source background
On page 71, Rogers and Wilkin ask a couple of questions to practice our critical thinking skills.

Discuss these question in a comment below.
  1. How might fear be positive in each of these situations?
  • being near a dangerous snake
  • giving a presentation
  • running a race
  • taking an exam
Useful language:
  • Fear could be positive when … because …
  • I think that fear would help you if you were … because …
  1. Do you agree that fear can be positive? Why?
Useful language:
  • I think that fear can be positive because …
  • In my opinion, fear is always negative because …
You have eight minutes total to respond to the questions. You might not want to spend time on all of parts of them.
Do try to use at least some of the useful language.

Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan.


  1. I think it's obvious that fear can be very positive when we are near a dangerous snake. Fear is positive in this situation because it keeps us from getting any closer and perhaps bitten as a result. Similarly, if you are taking an exam, fear of failure can be very positive if it motivates you to prepare well. On the other hand, fear of failure can also be negative since it might cause stress that stops you preparing effectively.

    I'm less sure how fear is likely to be positive if you were running a race, except that fear of failure might again prompt plenty of training in advance. But do most of use worry that much about the outcomes of races? I had pretty much given up on winning races by the time I got to high school, so although I still did my best, there was no fear involved, unlike my fear of doing badly in an exam.

    From the examples, I would have to say that fear cam be positive because it motivates us to take action that is beneficial, rather than walking into danger.

  2. Fear could be positive when you take an exam or give a presentation because the brain will release chemical to allow you to have a lot of energy to read a book all the time.

    I think that fear would help you if you were being near a dangerous snake or running a race because your brain will release something to allow you to run faster than usual situations.

    I think that fear can be positive because it can help us survive in dangerous situation or do something better than usual.

  3. Fear could be positive when being near a dangerous snake because the sensation of fear prevent us from touching dangerous animal that may harm or kill us instancely. Unlike fear that prevent us from dying, these other 3 fears: giving a presentation, running a race, and taking an exam are the fear that come from us and we can control it. These fear are the product of no preparation. If you did not prepare for the presentation, you would fear that outcome that will be quite bad.

  4. Fear could be positive when being near a dangerous sneak because our body will react to sneak by becoming faster. we could runaway faster or make quicker decision. I think that fear can be positive because it help us to deal with difficult situations easier.

  5. I think fear could be a positive in those situations that giving in the question. I take being near poison snake is an example. If we fear of poison snake, we want to stay away from them. I read a news about the snake's master he was bitten by his own snake during the show. and other also, the fear of those situation make us to practice and make us more comfortable during presentation, racing ,and doing an exams.

    2.I agree fear can be positive because I make us prepare and being away of dangers.

  6. I think that fear would help you if you were facing a dangerous snake because if you have no fear you may not run away from it and you may get a bite from them and die. Be careful of dangerous things it will make your life longer.
    Also I agree that fear can be positive as well it inspires you to be better or makes you be braver because sometimes when you have a lot of fears and then you realized that you have missed a lot of opportunity one day fears can make you over themselves.

  7. 1.1 If we being near a dangerous snake,keep clam is better choice,after that we would be more clam when facing a dangerous situations.
    1.2 When we giving a presentation,we should overcome our fear of nervousness to express our idea,it is a positive effect.
    1.3 When running a race,we will try our best to do it,sometimes it's a great dynamics to improve our potential.
    1.4 When taking an exam,we have to make adequate preparation,and keep carefully when we writing the answer down,so it is a positive fear.

  8. 1. 1In the first situation I am not sure whether dealing with snakes will be the same as dealing with bears. I think facing with snakes most people will be freeze and hopefully the snake would think that we are dead like being seen by Medusa and then hopefully it will forsake attacking us.
    1.2 when people fear of presentation they tend to be over prepare then the result would normally turn out to be the best.
    1.3 I don't know why we people fear of running a race?
    1.4 Normally before taking exam if we fear that the result might be the worst we will definitely do better than we think. The some reason whyyou prepare more when you fear a presentation.
    I think fear would help you if you knew how to deal with the situation when to improve the results.

    2. I thinkn fear can be possitive because ie make us more focus to the problem and it can lead us to a better result. In my opinion I couldn't think of an instance that fear turn out to be negative. After all a fear is a reeling derived from an instinct to protect oneself I don't think it can be anything bad.


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