Saturday 19 January 2019

Champ's academic interests

Today, I'm going to tell about my academic interest. Firstly, I'm interested in mathematics because math is study about real things. It has their own theories. For examples, one plus one is two. The theories make math become interesting. Also, math's theories always true and can't be disprove and there are many theories in math that no one can prove or some questions that looks simple but no one can solve it.

Secondly, I'm interested in programming because it is challenging. Also, computers always give output that come from your input. And it's always reflex what you are programming. So I think that programming looks like mathematics. In addition, I always feel good after finishing programming.

That's all of my academic interests now. But there might be more in the future.


  1. I haven't come across programming yet however I feel like I want to try it once. Programming is very crucial in developing businesses and other technology. I have heard that Artificial Intelligent (AI) is increasing and people started using them instead of real human beings. What concern people more is about unemployment when AI steps in. However, this is just from my shallow idea.
    I have seen AI and robots are very popular in Japan. I am not sure whether programming and coding will be also part of them. What I am sure is that mathematics will play an important role in forming the basis fro computer programming. One of my questions is that is there any other upcoming technology that might replace computer? If so, what would you expect?
    I used to love maths a lot when I was young however when I get older I feel like maths is getting more complicated and hard to solve. Then I want to know what would be your solution to find out ways or process to solve mathematical problems. I realise that maths proves the reality existing in this world but as aforementioned question, how would you suggest students to solve complex mathematics equation? Thanks!

    1. I have another perception about your concern that when AI step in, it will increase the unemployment rate. Personally, I think when AI plays an important role in business. It is true that workers will be replaced by AI, mostly the routine and boring task. However, It means that workers can step up to do something else which they will not feel boring. They can be the one who control the machine or have a challenged work every day. Moreover, they might find out the job that they really love. Although AI is extremely popular nowadays, there are some areas that AI still not be able to replace the human. For example, artworks or design works, which is related to the emotion of the human. Also, politics and law, the AI won't be able to create a new law.
      In addition, I can say that robots is a part of the AI and it is significantly related to mathematic and programming. And I could say that if people would like to be good at mathematic, they should practice a lot. Then they will be able to solve complex mathematics equation. Finally, I would like to say that I like your comment very much indeed.

    2. What a great discussion. I loved mathematics from high school through university, but as I read it, I was unsure whether I agreed with Champ's comment that "math is study about real things." This is a difficult question, and one I keep changing my mind about. If numbers are real things, they are definitely not the sort of real things as shoes and dogs and my morning coffee.

      I also liked Champ's comment that "there are many theories in math that no one can prove." It reminded me of one of the highlights in my logic classes when we proved Gödel's theorem that any system as complex as mathematics must contain true statements that could not be proved within that system. And even earlier, when i was in high school, I was amazed when we proved Euler's identity that links the transcendental numbers e and π with 1, 0 and i. This brought together things that seem so totally different and unrelated that that beautiful seemed the only word to describe it. But what are all of these numbers? Are they real? Do they exist?

  2. What is your favorite things in mathematics? I think algebra is the most interesting thing in mathematics. Algebra is about numbers and equations. It is the most basic and very important. I like mathematics because it is basic of everything. Many subject have to calculate especially for economy such as tax computing. So,I am interested in mathematics and I think it is very important, too.

    1. I like combinatorics because combinatorics is studying about counting. It looks very simple but in fact, it isn't easy. Also, many things are related to combinatorics such as games, There are many games that related to combinatorics but every games have a strategy to win. Combinatorics has many topics such as basic counting, pigeonhole principle, generating function, double counting, graph theory game theory. Also, statistics and probability is combinatorics too.


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