Saturday 19 January 2019

Mind's academic interests

People would have their own interest in many part of there life. One of them is the academic interest which mostly related to people's career or working life. I also have a few academic interests.

My most interested is an Artificial Intelligence which is a program of Computer Science faculty. I have not joined it yet but I aim to. There are some reasons that I feel interested in this program. First, I think the Artificial Intelligent is extremely helpful for the business. It will be able to replace the human's work, especially the routine or boring work. Business can glow up quickly, by just add more machines. The company does not need to hire a lot of people which would take longer time than buying more machine. In addition, The human resource team can take their time to do some other useful tasks, and we might be able to reduce the human resource team size which would absolutely effect the company cost. The employer just need to pay for the machine cost which is seriously cheaper than the worker cost. Also, the employers do not need to deal with their staff's problem. Second, In the employee's point of view. It is better to just let the machine do the routine and boring work. They can step up to work on more challenging task which would make them feel exited about their work every day. Finally, these innovative tools will make our life more comfortable. For example, the smart home gadget which is a device that people can use to control the electronic equipment in their home. There is a useful function in the device calling the bot. It is an Artificial Intelligence product which is c to be able to understand what people say. People can talk to the device; then it will response you or manage the electronic equipments in your home based on your command.

In addition, another interest is an Entrepreneurship which is a very helpful program for me, since I would like to have my own business. The main concept of the program is how to be a good business owner, especially the small business. It is really good to learn how to develop, run and maintain the business. The program is not only about starting the business, but also about thinking creatively and ambitiously, which means that this program is also useful for the people in the organization who do not want to have their own business. In the organization, this program will be mainly about basis of management which would be able to replace the old-fashioned business. In my opinion, having only technical skills is not enough to create a business. This kind of management techniques will fulfill another part of the company. My previous CEO used to suggest me to join this program. He told me that his friend graduated from this program and had a successful working life in an organization. So, I think this program is really useful for my working life.


  1. I do jobs relevant to AI as well. We cannot refuse technology disruption happening around us. It makes our life more comfortable, convenient, better and simpler under the concept "internet of things". I have lived in a country where people have not brought cash for a decade, and doing any activity via internet. Just having cellphone along with me all the time, I can book restaurant, theater ticket, flight ticket, buy raw or fresh food, etc. Cloth shops are just like a place where I go to check color, size and try on samples. Afterwards, online shopping would be a preferable one for me to get much cheaper price. I can command my rice cooker at home to heat rice via internet before getting to home an hour, and simultaneous order food then receive it when I am in home. Checking in for work is just walking pass the gate at which sensors detect who I am. I really hope someday soon we can have those in Thailand. It would be extremely awesome life. Sometimes, I am wondering AI knows me rather than I know myself. It can realize what I plan to do, buy or eat via suggestive information or pop-up windows based on my past activities recorded by it. By the way, I still love manual life without technology disruptive because it has never rushed up my life.

  2. In my earlier comments on people's academic interests above I've already written a bit about computers and business, but I was interested in Mind's comments on AI. Apart from the amazing potential it has for very practical things, I thought it also raises interesting questions about us as persons. As it becomes ever more clear that what makes us humans persons is the mechanical programs that run electro-chemically on the nerves inside our brains, which create every thought, emotion, decision and so on, I'm not sure how big the difference between human persons and the machines we might one day (soon?) create is. One difference of course is that computers are vastly faster than human brains, and we are pushing them to evolve (we are evolving them?) at ever faster rates. I can already speak to my phone, but I wonder how long it will be before it understands English as well as I do, even if only for a very short time. And if we create machines like some in science-fiction movies, will be have to respect their rights as persons? For example, the robot Sonny in the movie I, Robot seems as much a person as any human person. And this raises questions about what makes humans so special that we think we even have "human" rights that must be respected.

    That's getting pretty far from Mind's post and A's response. Perhaps it's time I went back to my morning coffee.


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