Tuesday 24 May 2022

Pluem's strongest trait

Achievement from achieved trait 

Every success in my life came from a lot of factors which include my characteristics or traits. Some success occurred because of a trait that I cannot choose, or an ascribed trait, while some occurred because of a trait that I worked for, or an achieved trait. I have never been successful because of the traits I chose, or chosen traits. From my experience, I believe that my advantages are from the achieved trait.

My achieved traits are the strongest traits among others. I am not a rich, handsome and talented person; therefore, I have to work hard to create my own competitive identity. Firstly, I studied very hard in my bachelor degree until I graduated from the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University and that allows me to be qualified in applying for any job that is related to government affairs such as a ministry, international organization or officer of any government agencies. This identity creates competencies for me in order to overcome other applicants in the recruitment process. Secondly, I have good language skills and am able to speak several languages, which allow me to understand people and media more than some people. I am interested in learning languages as a hobby which led me to the point that I can speak four languages, which are Thai, English, Russian and French. I started to learn English when I was very young. As for Russian and French, I began to learn them in high school and continued as a freshman in university. I put a lot of time, money and effort into learning these languages because they can distinguish me from other applicants when it comes to job applications. 

In my opinion, an achieved trait is also the strongest trait of many people. Those who were not born in rich families or were not born with personal capital or gifts have to persevere or have to spend their time, money or effort in order to create their own competencies which can eventually lead them to success in career, studies, business or relationships.

To conclude, I accomplished several things in my life thanks to achieved traits. Most of them are educational background and competitive skills. I believe that there also are a lot of people who consider their achieved traits as their strongest advantage.


  1. Pluem, your language skills are impressive. I was wondering what got you interested in Russian. It seems a less common choice of language than English and French. So what began your interest in Russian? I guess you have also learned a lot about Russian literature and culture. Is that right? I like Russian literature.

    It would be great to be able to read authors such as Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky in the original language. Do you do that? When I was at university, one of the languages I studied was Chinese, mainly classical Chinese. It was difficult because I had to learn a lot of Chinese characters, but it was exciting to be able to read the ancient texts written in that language and see what sorts of things were important to the people in that culture more than two thousand years ago. I also enjoyed reading the poetry, which was even more challenging than the prose writing of Confucius and Mengtzu. What do you think are the benefits of studying a language like Russian?

    Another idea that came to mind reading your essay was less directly related, but it was one of my responses, so it's OK to write about it. I thought of the NetFlix series The Queen's Gambit, where the star, Beth Harmon, learns Russian because the best players are Russian so she thought it would be useful to learn their language. If you have watched that excellent series, do you think it presents the Russians of the 1960s, during the Cold War era, accurately?

    1. The reasons that motivates me to learn Russian is that Russian is one of the official language used in the United Nations which is a workplace in my dream, so I'm learning this language in order to be able to communicate in Russian when I work at the UN. Secondly, I love Russian culture and nature. They are fascinating and worthy to be explored. I plan to take Trans-Siberian train in Russia to see the nature along the way, and to communicate with Russian to know more about their society and culture. Thirdly, I am also interested in Russian literature as you've mentioned. I want to be able to read some literatures in Russian language in order to understand deeper thought about psychological aspect in the books.

      I haven't watch the series The Queen's Gambit yet, but I will watch it after this. So that I can explore about Russian society during Cold war era more. Thank you for your recommendation!

      You are so talented that you can learn Chinese, remember its characters and were able to understand ancient Chinese philosophy. Chinese is also one of interesting languages to learn at the moment and is very challenging too.

      I hope we'll have a chance to further discuss about literatures together.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I couldn't agree more that an acheived trait is the strongest trait among one another as I feel that it is not easy to success in any aspects of life, especially without hard working.

    I'm also enjoy learning languages but to be honest, I always give up after I need to remember tons of new vocabularies and grammars.
    Fortunately, having read your essay, I felt more passionated about learning Korean (agian). Thank you, Pleum. :D


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