Tuesday 24 May 2022

View's strongest trait

My Strongest Identity Comparing to Most People

Issues related to personal identity are frequently discussed these days. It is argued which is the strongest identity from three kinds of traits, which are ascribed, achieved, or chosen, people have. Therefore, my strongest identity will be stated in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, having considered, I found that my strongest identity is from  achieved traits. What this means is that the achieved traits are what I have worked for over a long period until it became a part of my life. In addition, the achieved trait is particularly difficult to gain, so I feel proud of having this identity. This is illustrated by the fact that university graduation, known as an achieved trait, is one of my strongest identity elements. Even though I graduated more than four years ago, people always keep asking what my bachelor’s degree and university name are. If they find it is the same as theirs, we will then have a smooth conversation.

On the other hand, to my mind, both ascribed and chosen traits are categorized as my weak identities since they are obtained effortlessly. An ascribed trait is what I have had since I was born: although, it could change later according to some reasons such as law. For instance, I was born a female. Also, a chosen trait is easy to get. For example, joining a RICOH GR III group on Facebook. It is just one click, isn’t it?

However, in my opinion, most people could not agree with me regarding the strongest identity being achieved traits. It is widely believed that the chosen traits are what people decide by themselves. Certainly, it is the thing desirable and impassioning to people. In fact, this is not the same as me, who changes a topic interested in quickly.

In conclusion, my strongest identity is achieved traits, which might not be typical. The majority could think that their strongest identity is their chosen traits. In fact, the strongest identity of individuals is different, because of the fact that how strong traits could be is up to the personality.


  1. yes I agree with the fact that how strong traits could be is up to our personality.

  2. I also have similar idea with you. I think it is typical for us since achieved traits are come from our effort. This is why we give it more value than ascribed traits which we take them for granted.

  3. I agree with you that strong identity comes from achieved trait. Any trait that we gain from practice and difficulty will make you stronger and better. It will be worthy and pay off when you look back.


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