Thursday 12 May 2022

Skillful 3: Reading & Writing, page 9 - After you watch

After we have watched 

Rogers and Zemach's three discussion questions invite us to share our own ideas in response to the content of the video about Doppel. Because it helps to get a greater variety of independent ideas, we will do this discussion here on our class blog. First, read the three questions the authors ask us to share our ideas on. 

You want to write one response that discusses all three questions. You will probably want to write two or three paragraphs, but that's up to you.  


The three questions to respond to

  • Do you like the idea of a gadget that can change your moods? 
  • Do you agree with the inventor that the gadget is unique? 
  • What gadget would you like to invent to improve your health?   


Planning and writing = 18:00 minutes 

You have 18:00 minutes to plan and write a response to the set of three related questions. I suggest you divide your time roughly as follows: 

1. planning = 4:00 minutes 

It's usually a good idea to plan before you start to write.  Especially in quick response writing, you might change your mind as you write, or get better ideas, but having  a clear idea about what you want to say before you write the first word helps to produce a well-organized piece of work that communicates with your readers. 

2. writing = 12:00 minutes

When you know what you are going to say because you have planned, the writing step consists of turning your ideas into sentences organized into paragraphs.

3. editing = 2:00 minutes

You don't have much time to review, revise and proofread in a quick response writing activity, but it's still a good idea to quickly read over what you've written and perhaps make a few changes or corrections.

A useful strategy

Don't write things like "question 1," just write your ideas. Imagine your reader has never seen the three questions. You want your ideas to be make sense to that reader. 


Rogers, L. & Zemach, D. E. (2018). Skillful 3: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education



  1. Yes I do, It would be really helpful for people who have to dealing with depress, Anxiety or people who get back from work and need help to feel relax.

    No, I'm afraid I disagree because there're a lot of technology that could help us more than this wearable wrist and one of the reasons I strongly disagree about this because I think that this product is exaggerate. There's no way that when you feel tried with your life and you wear this gadget you will get it of it.

    I'd like to invent Vegetable cosplay. Because when veggies and fruits look fresh and yummy , People want to try and vegetable and fruits they are good for our health.

    1. I personally agree with you about the benefits of this device that could relieve stress, anxiety and depression after a long day of working. It's really helpful for those who need assistance in getting relaxed.

      As for me, I think this gadget is not too exaggerated because this device is created based on science. This gadget may not completely get rid of anxiety or stress but at least it could make people feel better after a long hard day.

      I really like your Vegetable cosplay idea! That sounds healthy and innovative. Could you please explain me more how it works in detail ?

    2. I also like your idea for vegetable cosplay. I might not join it myself, but it's refreshingly different to what I usually associate with cosplay. In one of my favourite series, there is a lot of cosplay, but they dress up as sci-fi characters of mediaeval characters. I'm not sure that vegetable cosplay is a gadget, but it's a cool idea.

  2. From my point of view, I completely like the idea that a gadget is able to revert my mood. What this means is that there are some unwanted mood or feeling which will be great, if I can get rif of them sometimes. This is illustrated by the fact that after lunch, I ususlly fall asleep but I cannot take a nap due to afternoon working hour starting. Thus, the gadget is helpful to change my mood from sleepy to be more energetic.

    In addition, I have not found this kind of gadget before so I think it is a unique one that other brand cannot invent.

    On the other hand, if I could invent health supporting device, I could be a muscle-builder gadget. It will be wear at my tummy and keep vibrating with proper resonance and duration to activate my six-pack.

    1. I completely agree with the idea that a gadget is able to revert your mood. And I agree that I have never heard about this kind if product before it's really unique. But I disagree with the fact that this wearable wrist is overrated and exaggerate.

    2. It won't surprise that I like View's idea for a gadget that builds muscles while you sleep or whatever. I think everyone wants to look good, but it takes so much time and effort to have a great body! And you have watch your diet. I can't believe that if it's possible someone has not already created such a gadget. I'm sure it would sell well to all those like me who want a six-pack without crunches.

  3. I am very impressed the idea of changing our mood by using a gadget because nowadays people have to experience a lot of difficulties in daily life which affect mental health dramatically. When people are easily depressed or face insomnia, they might need an assistance to help them become more energetic before going to work or to release their stress before going to bed. I think this gadget is also capable of improving mental health of people who are experiencing depression or insomnia.

    I agree with the inventor that this gadget is unique because I think this device is the new innovation that can improve people's quality of life in modern world that no one has done before and its design is practical and portable, so user can decide to boost or settle down their emotions anytime and anywhere.

    If I were the inventor, I would invent the gadget that is able to keep people's muscle stretched and relaxed so that people will not easily get pain and stiffed. It would be very useful for people who regularly sit in front of computer for the whole day because no matter how long they sit in front of computers they would not get office syndrome symptom and get stressed eventually.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with Pluem, Because Nowadays people have many activities and don't have too much to take care of the health. The gadget is very helpful. But I'm not sure about the insomnia because I have never feel that before.

      I agree with Pluem this device can help to take care of their health.

      first time I read your comment I think you're a programmer Who always sit in front of computer for the whole day and also have problem about insomnia and office syndrome symptom.
      Can you please give me more details about the idea of the gadget that is able to keep people's muscle stretched and relaxed ?
      Is it quite same like a home gym equipment?

    3. I agree with you. It's very helpful for people as nowadays the most people face the serious situations, espicially the COVID-19 pandemic, economic circumstance and etc. that cause some people become a depression and suicide more. So, if this gadget can really change the mode of emotion for such person, it can reduce the number of depression and suicide.

  4. I think a gadget that alters your mood isn't a bad idea, but I'm not sure that I would use it. The first problem is that I don't like wearing things on my wrist. I never liked wearing a watch, and as soon as my phone could be my watch, I stopped wearing a watch on my wrist. I have not worn a watch for many years now. If the gadget could alter my mood in some other way, I might like it. I'm sure some people will like the gadget that alters their mood this way, but I don't.

    Is the gadget unique? I really don't know know whether it is unique or not. It reminded me of Fitbit gadgets that are popular these days, but I've never tried those either, so I don't know whether they are the same or not. The gadget might be unique.

    I would like to invent a gadget that automatically exercised my muscles when I was sleeping or relaxing. I would like to have stronger, healthier muscles, but I'm a bit lazy about exercising. If a device could send electrical impulses to my muscles to make them exercise while I was reading or watching NetFlix, that would be great. I don't think I can invent that device, but if someone else did, I would definitely buy it. Would you?

    1. I partially agree with your idea this watch is able to make you unconfirtable while wearing it. However, to change your mood, I don't think you should wear it for a long time.

      To be honest, I have not had much information about other smart watch too. Based on my experience using an Apple watch, I only know there is no mood changing function.

      Regarding your idea gadget, I am surprised that we got similar idea about exercise. Hope someone can invent this useful gadget for us one day.

    2. Peter & View, I had ever tried your ideal gadget which can creates muscles during your reading once. It uses very small electricity shock to your muscles in order to exercise the muscles. Currently, it has some shops official sale it, but I can not remember the title of gadget at all.

      So I try to search this link for explanation about how it works. Hope it might make your enjoys :D

    3. Thank you Prang. It's an interesting article, but not particularly encouraging. I think I have to wait a bit longer, but I'm glad to see that people are working on it.

  5. In my view, I totally disagree with this video that this technological innovation can changes my moods. Firstly, it said only musical rhythms affect our moods. So, I am not really sure music can change my mood when I am blue or disappoint to my awful day. Secondly, this video do not mention about how it change our moods. I do not know how it works on me. I should wear this tech and listen some music for it, or it can creates some pulse to link to my body's rhythms. It is impossible.

    I also disagree with this gadget is unique since I ever heard about similar gadgets, but the purpose of gadget is to keep our fit and more energetic to have workout.

    If I need to choose one wearable devise, I would choose Garmin smart watch. It is because it can monitoring my health such as sleeping, calories out per day, walking steps, workout time, period, etc. It is so impress me and also I can connect with Garmin societies. This is make me fun when I am workout.

    1. Prang, we sort of agree that the device is not very useful, although our reasons are a bit different. Actually, I like your idea that it might not work. I wasn't sure about that, but I just don't like the idea of wearing that sort of device. I think yours is a more direct answer to the question.

      We also had a very similar idea about the device in the video being unique. You thought of Garmin and I thought of Fitbit. I've heard of Garmin, but I don't really know it is. But your description is very clear: I know Garmin is a fitness tracker that monitors heartbeat, sleeping, walking and so on. THe information you gave about the society sounds interesting. Does that motivate you to work out more regularly? I have a problem exercising regularly. I know I should, but it's really hard to do it every day, or every other day.

    2. Prang, I think so that it's not an unique device because nowaday s there are many brands that invent the device which have the functions like this garget.

      And now I am finding the information of Garmin device. I am appreciated if you could advise me on model. :)

  6. Yes I do, It would be really helpful for people who have to dealing with depress, Anxiety or people who get back from work and need help to feel relax.

    No, I'm afraid I disagree because there're a lot of technology that could help us more than this wearable wrist and one of the reasons I strongly disagree about this because I think that this product is exaggerate. There's no way that when you feel tried with your life and you wear this gadget you will get rid of it.

    I'd like to invent Vegetable cosplay. Because when veggies and fruits look fresh and yummy , People want to try and vegetable and fruits they are good for our health.

    1. To be honestly, I never heard about "vegetable cosplay" what is it? is it application or something else?

  7. 1. Actually, I like the idea that can change moods.
    I think it is good to help people to control the body's rhythms When they do an exercise, the rhythms should not be more or less. It can help us to control the level of the rhythms. We can know Which level of the rhythms is suitable for us.

    2. Yes, I think it is handy and simple to wear and the idea of this gadget is fantastic. I am not sure I have ever seen another gadget like this before. if I have ever seen something like this I think it's unique.

    3.I like a gadget like this idea. It has to help me to control my level of the rhythms. the increase things is it good if it can show weekly statics of the rhythms.

    1. Kanoon, I still wondering about how the gadget change our moods, but as I ready your comment I can understand a bit how it works. I am not quite sure if they sale this item in thai market, I will buy it. Maybe I will ask them more details :)

    2. Hi, Prang :) To be honest, I am not sure about How does it works or the working process of it but I graduated with an Engineering major so I think it is a psychological mechanism. This gadget can set the level of your mood to which level you like to be like setting a watch before you go for a run to see your heart rate, calories, How long kilometer something like that. I'm quite sure I can't sell fewer pieces because the number of people on exercise is 1 in 4 in Thailand. however, it depends on marketing or promotion at that time.


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