Tuesday 24 May 2022

Skillful 3: Reading and Writing, page 17 - Critical thinking, 3

What is it? 

In their critical thinking question 3. that concludes the reading "How Permanent Is Your Personality?" (p. 15-16) Rogers and Zemach invite us to apply the ideas there to the ideas we previously read about in "Social Identity" (p. 11).

We have already discussed questions 1. and 2. We will discuss Rogers and Zemach's question 3 in comments and replies to this blog post. 


Question 3

  • What do you think the results of this study imply for ascribed, achieved, and chosen identity traits? Can they all change, do you think? Why / why not? 



You have 18:00 minutes to plan and write one or two paragraphs. I suggest: 

  • planning = 4:00 minutes
  • writing = 12:00 minutes
  • editing = 2:00 minute. 


Imagine you are writing for someone who has not read the question you are answering or the reading that the question follows up. Your job is to clearly communicate your response to that reader. 

Because your writing should make sense independently of the question it might be answering, it is usually useful to give background. This can be achieved by paraphrasing the question into statements that begin your answer. This is also a useful strategy n exams such as IELTS and TOEFL. 



Rogers, L. & Zemach, D. E. (2018). Skillful 3: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education 



  1. If our personality traits such as "self-confidence, perseverance, stability of moods, conscientiousness, originality, and desire to learn" (Rogers and Zemach, 2018, p. 15) can change over time, what does this mean for our social identity traits: ascribed, achieved and chosen? Does it mean that they also change?

    My first idea was that ascribed traits do not change, but if the study is right, maybe I should change my mind. This is because things like conscientiousness seem to me to be ascribed traits. When we are born, our self-confidence, perseverance and so on are to a significant degree a result of the genes we get from our parents, and our genes do not change much even over decades. However, environment affects how genes display themselves, and that seems to suggest a way that ascribed personality traits might change over decades in the way that the study reports.

    Achieved traits seem easier to me to change the way the study reports. Although I don't normally think of things like stability of mood or desire to learn as achieved traits, perhaps I need to think about that again. Prang's idea about practice seems useful here. If someone wants their life to go a certain way, they might practice doing things to lead to the goal they want, and that could include practicing to change the level of self-confidence and things. I'm also reminded of Buddhist meditation techniques where people gain more control over stability of mood, so it does make sense to think that achieved identity traits can change over time.

    But I don't have time to comment on chosen traits. I hope you have had time to do that so that I can read your ideas about it.

    1. We have similar ideas about achieved traits. Speaking of ascribed traits, I think it is possible to transform, although it is the hardest to change as we born with it. My idea is our physical identities (sex, face, body, skins and even voice) can change by surgery, if we have enough desire. Therefore, I think it is depended on our passionate instead of time.

      However, the conscientiousness which come from our parents' gene. I have some argue that if someone born with a talent. Unfortunately, he born in wrong place where people do not appreciate it. He might never know his talent until he has chance to use it. For example, if Albert Einstein never was encouraged to studying in private school or their parents feel hopeless about his slow improvement, he might never know about his talent. He might believe that he is an abnormal person. That is support my thinking about ascribed traits that passionate is the key factor. (destiny might be relevant factor as well, what do you thing?)

  2. Having read a study published in the journal called Physology and Aging, I found that the result concerning people's identity changed over the period of time was interesting. It implies that social identity including ascribe, acheived, and choosen traits could also change.

    To begin with the first reason, ascribed trait changes by one another's status, especially a person who you close with. This is widely belived that the status changes both intentionally and unintentionally. For instance, married status can sadly change to widow if her husband die.

  3. In my opinion, the results of this study imply for ascribed, achieved, and chosen identity traits because they can change. I think the thinking and point of view for each people will change as level of growing up and environment. For example, When some people were a child, they felt enjoy with the playing and friends, there are no goals but once they grow up, they maybe have friends who have a passion to complete their goals. Such people maybe feel to achieve some goals like their friends.

    1. Agree too, we will change when we really want something. What does your friend inspire you??

  4. According from the passage, I think that the results can present all sort of traits: ascribed, achieved and chosen identity.

    Firstly, ascribed personality mentioned in the last paragraph that people always blame themselves whenever something goes wrong. I think the way to think about yourself come from the real personality since you got birth, and it can changes by therapists.

    Secondly, achieved traits came from workplace and it can change by training.

    1. Speaking of traits, people might change and improve their personality when they grow up. Thus, all traits might adapt to contribute our better version.

      According to the study that conclude about all traits are likely to develop over long period of time: some ascribed can change by therapists, achieved traits can shift by training and even chosen transform by our decision.

      Personally, I somewhat agree with this research that our personality does not permanent. This is because we are a human who can imagine and dream for the future goals, so we will try every single way to reach our setting goals for our better life. It is depended on our passionate and also willing enough to shift our identity. Especially, these days we have technological knowledge which can transform everything even our physical such as face, body, skin and hair. Although, they come from our gene which is ascribe traits.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. After reading the results of the study, I think that all of type of traits can change over time.

    As for ascribed traits, habits and temperament that you born with can change by socializing process from family, friends, colleagues or spouse. These social group has their own norms and idea which can affect us unnoticeably when we blend into the group. For example, an introverted person have to shift his behavior to be more talkative and cheerful if he/she wants to get along with colleagues in the workplace which finally result in being extroverted person in workplace.

    Achieved traits can also be change over time due to progress of life. Progress in education or career might be able to replace the old status before current progress, for example master degree graduate can replace bachelor degree graduate after he/she finished his/her master degree study.

    Finally, chosen traits can be changed too because people's preference vary over time, for example last year he/she preferred Democrat party but in the following year he/she can choose Republican party instead.

    1. I somewhat agree with you that our identity might change over time, but I think time is not a significant factor. My idea is we desire to change depended on our willing or passionate. It is more important than time.

  7. In my opinion I think result of the study is reliable after 63 years of research ,

    everything can change except ascribed traits. achieved traits it's something that can change because you choose and it may change over time. And chosen traits is what you choose. Many of us may change our preferences with the change over time. as we know Everything always changes


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