Saturday 10 November 2018

Getting into Unit 5 = Movement (SkR&W3, p47, Discussion point)

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What we read

Bixby and Scanlon introduce each unit with a discussion activity, that is, an opportunity for us to share our ideas on the topic of the unit in a way that relates it to our own lives, ideas and experiences. Unit 5 of book 3 (Bixby & Scanlon [=B&S3], 2013, p.47) does this.


My response 

The research solidly shows that brainstorming or discussion activities for groups are more effective if participants start by working individually (O'Connell, 2010; Markman, 2017). In fact, experts at Harvard University's School of Management and elsewhere are sure that this can be very effectively done using online tools (Chamorro-Premuzic, 2015). Blogging is one effective way to do this, which is the reason I've turned Bixby and Scanlon's discussion exercise into a quick blogging discussion.

Bixby and Scanlon's questions 

Discuss these questions in a comment.  

  • Why do some birds migrate? 
  • What other animals migrate? 
    • What animals migrate to or from your country? 
  • What human activities can disrupt of interfere with animal movement? 

For all of these, you should write full sentences. You will also need to write a few sentences for each of your ideas, giving explanation, examples and other details to clarify and develop your ideas. 

You can address the questions in any order. You can write one comment, or if you prefer, two comments, but not three. So that you don't worry about Bixby and Scanlon's numbers too much, I replaced them with bullets. 

Useful tip 1

Jim: "Because it's hot." 
I expect that you have a problem with Jim's answer above. He assumes that we know what he's talking about, and this often causes problems for readers and listeners. When you write your comments below, just as when we are talking in class, it is a useful communication strategy to imagine that your readers have not heard or read the question you are responding to. You need to write enough so that your comment makes sense for readers who have not read the above questions. 

Useful tip 2

You are not writing an academic essay here. This is a fluency activity where your aim is to communicate a series of ideas quickly. It's OK if you go off topic a bit, or even a lot. And unlike in academic work, you don't have to give solid support for everything you say. Just turn your idea into a sentence or a few, and then do the same for your next idea, and then the next one. And keep going. 
Now, open a new comment box and start writing. In your nine minutes, aim to write three paragraphs, one for each of Bixby and Scanlon's main questions.  



  1. Some birds migrate because they want find some food to eat or make nest. Some place that birds live don't have good weather.
    Other animals migrate are owe, bats. Some animal are movement because it depend on weather, temperature, food, live.

    1. I have similar thoughts. Especially, weather can impact on animals for migration. Let me give you an example: when we feel hot, we will turn on an air conditioner or move ourselves to a cold place. Therefore, animals have to adjust themselves for living as same as human

    2. I really agree with your ideas that birds have to find new better environment.Moreover, the birds are easier to migrate because they can fly as far as they want.They can find the food resources and their habitats.

      These factors are important for the animals.Everyone has to choose the best things for their lives ,like people who struggle to be alive.

  2. 1. The bird's migration is happened maybe due to the weather and the wind.

    2. There are some birds move from Siberia to Thailand for nesting and warm temperature.

    3. Hunting and Collecting bird nest disrupt animal movement.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I totally agree with all your ideas.

      Well... on top of that I think Thailand is not only a tropical paradise for birds from Siberia, but also a beach paradise for tourists from a cold Russia, especially in pattaya city where a number of Russian communities are situated and widely spread throghout the area.

  3. 1. Because they probably don't like a cold weather. Living in a warmer place might help them to live their life easier.

    2. I guess Salmon and turtle migate from place to place as well for specific purposes.

    3. I think during the hunting period is the point when people take adventage of their migaration.

    1. I have similar thoughts. Weather can impact on human and animals for living. Human and animal have to adjust ourselves for surviving in different ways.

      Moreover, hunting is the key activity that interfere with animal movement because it is easier to get animals in the migration season than hunt them in the other seasons.

    2. Animals would like to find warm places for their living,food and reproducing .In conversely,some of Thai people prefer cold weather because Thailand's weather is extremely hot.This makes people migrate or travel abroad during the summer.

      It's true that people have to hunt animals for food.If we do more often,these animals will be exstinct.Therefore,we should realize the value of lives to hunt them only when we need and not to destroy the animals' habitats.

  4. As far as I am concerned, there are a lot of methods that affect to the bird and also others animal migrations.

    Firstly, they would like to find the appropriate place that has plenty of food for them to eat. Furthermore, some animals are eaten by predators so they have to find new places where is safe and away from their enemies.

    Secondly, the weather is the significant factors for animals to survive. Some of them can live on the desert,but some cannot. That is, temperature is important. When the summer is coming, animals that cannot live among high temperature have to leave and find new places.

    These are only two instances for the matter.

    1. I really agree with your ideas. It's about food web and climate. So it reminds me about "Climate Change" as a thing that interrupt the animal movements.

      First, when the climate is changed, the suitable place for the animal maybe changed. The place that should be warm maybe colder or hotter. That means the animals have to travel further or shorter or they have to change their routes.

      Second thing is about predators and preys. I think there are many animals that have to migrate and each one has their own season for their migration. If the climate is changed, some of their life cycles are changed too. For example, A are the predators and B are the A's food in the food chain who live in the A's movement destination. Normally B always migrate before A come to their place, so they are saved from A. But when A migrate earlier than before, because of climate change, B will be hunted by A.

      Those are the things that came to my mind when I read your comments.

  5. I think birds migrate because they need optimized temperature for their lives. Some places are too hot or too cold for them. Not only birds, but also other animals migrate from place to place. I am not sure but i think turtles and salmon migrate too. They may migrate because they need to lay down their eggs.
    Nowadays, there are many human activities which disrupt or interfere with animal movements. For example, Building dam and weir block the river and fish cannot swim to the place they need.

    1. Woww...w we have exactly the same thought but salmon and turtle. I got a chance to watch the documentary on "DISCOVERY CHANNEL"the other day about how a female turtle travels across the ocean just to lay her eggs at the same coast every year, that was so amazing!

  6. - Some birds are going to migrate from the trouble of climate and lack of food.
    - Bears are the animal that they migrate. they will migrate in winter to live in the cave and do not eat
    - The deforestation is the human activity that disrupt of interfere animal movement

    1. I absolutely about deforestation that disrupt the animal migrations. Because animals always migrate from A to B every year. If the routes that they travel are changed. They will be affected.

      Moreover, deforestation is one of the causes of the "Climate Change". And climate change surely affects the animal movements. The suitable place for their migration is changed, Maybe hotter or colder. That means the places that the animals used to go when they migrated have to be changed.

    2. *I absolutely agree about ...

  7. Birds migrate because the season changes,so they have to find new suitable places for their living.

    other animals like insects and fish migrate in the groups.they move to far places easily by swimimg anf flying.For example,we found some wierd birds in winter in Thailand.

    People disturb these animals by cutting trees and releasing pollusion to the environment.


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