Saturday 10 November 2018

TLE's academic interests

My academic interests is Chemistry, Mathematics, and Economics

I am currently studying in a science major for high school. Chemistry is one of my favorite. I would like to spend a lot of time in the laboratory and see the results of the test. In addition, calculation is required in most of science branches. Following this, mathematics skills is needed in wide ranges method. 

One cannot deny that people spend money in their daily routines. Therefore, studying about money is quite interesting for me. Economics can help us to know how to manage the limited resources which is money for our unlimited demands.

As mentioned above, these are some of the examples of my academic interests.


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    1. Naturally, I'm wondering what was in all those deleted comments!

      I sometimes realize after I've clicked "Publish" that there was an awful mistake in my comment. If it's not too serious, for example just a small typing mistake or missing word, I don't worry about. If it's more serious, like a missing "not," I add a reply to my own comment to correct my mistake.

  4. I didn't like chemistry much when I was in High school but I think Science is must.

    Nowadays,science is very important in technology and economic. Most innovations have based on science, such as airplane, smartphone, solar cell, nuclear power plant, etc. It can be seen that most of the richest companies in the world are related to technologies. On the other hand, some scientist try to help the world ,such as how to stop global warming, bring back extinction species, etc.

    Moreover, in modern world some advance architecture or building are using computer to create complex geometry or irregular design, such as the Metropol Parasol in Spain, and Heydar Aliyev Center in Azerbaijan. These design need computer to help and it based on Mathematics.

    However, Economic is far from my interest but I used to read one book named "Freakonomics". I think it quite interesting.

  5. I've already talked about mathematics in my own post on the topic of my academic interests, so won't follow that up again here. But as I was reading Title's comments in class yesterday, I was reminded of my own fascination with chemistry in high school and playing around, often not following the teacher, with chemicals.

    And that got me thinking of my high school science teachers more generally. I went to a Catholic school, but the teachers were very tolerant, and encouraged experimentation. some of which would probably not be allowed today. For example, my science teacher in the fourth form (= year 10) let me and a couple of friends perform an appendectomy on a rat. It went well and our appendixless rodent went on to live happily for another couple of months, but I'm not sure looking back that that was something we should have been allowed to do with a live animal, even though we did a lot of research and used aneasthetic for the operation. The usual practice at the time was to kill and then dissect the rats, and even that raises some moral questions that people didn't really think about at the time — it was back in the 1970s.

    Actually, people like Australian philosopher Peter Singer were starting to critically examine the issues, but their work had not really spread much beyond academia at the time, although Singer shortly after came to international renown for some of his ideas, even generating death threats who thought he deserved the same end that Socrates met at the hands of the "good" people of ancient Athens. Philosophy can be a surprisingly dangerous occupation.

    1. In fact, we might learn a bit more about Peter Singer in an extended reading this term. (I haven't decided yet.)


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