Friday 21 February 2020

Ipp’s identity

My identity in person 

First, I believe that my body language and my personality play a big part in how I display my identity in person because I show most of my identity through them. I am very talkative when I am with my friends and family but if I’m with people that I’m not close with or people that I’ve just met, I am a different person. I don’t talk a lot at all and I don’t really smile, this makes most people think I am unfriendly. I don’t know how to communicate well with new people and I think this expresses a little bit of shyness in me.
Another thing that displays my identity is my clothes. I wear jeans and t-shirts almost all the time. If I don’t wear jeans then I wear other pants that are very simple, so I believe this shows that I’m an easy-going person because I hardly wear anything fancy.

My identity online 

For my identity online, I would like to talk about my profile picture or my avatar for my social media. I use a picture of myself  for almost all of my social media accounts because I want others who come across my account know who I am.  I believe that using your own picture is more professional in some cases, an example is when I have to communicate with my teachers or when I have to turn in my assignments via email.
Next, what I post online also show my identity as well. In my account, I usually share pictures of me,  my friends, and places I have been to. These pictures  represent my identity as a friendly and sociable person. Moreover, I like sharing pictures when I travel. It is something that I have always 
been passionate about and I enjoy it very much


Conclusion: How accurately my online identity communicates who I am

 I think my online identity is partially accurate compares to my identity in person. If anybody came across my online profile, they are most likely to see me as an outgoing and enjoyable person. On the other hand, I would be very quiet and be more of an introvert when I’m with people I am not close with. Overall, I believe that how I want others to perceive me depends on the familiarity I have with each person.

1 comment:

  1. I think your idea about online identity is very useful and I never think about it before. To illustrate, I barely use my picture to be avatar on my email or facebook because I think it’s not necessary but when I read your opinion I really agree with you about using our pictures are look more professional than use other avatars and they would be better when we use in formal situations such as sending email to teachers or sending resume to companies.


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