Monday 17 February 2020

Saibpan's cerebrum


The brain's control centre is divided into 3 parts, cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. They can control our activities, five senses, body functions, etc. So far we will focus on only one of them, the cerebrum. The cerebrum consists of  2 sides, left cerebrum and right cerebrum. Speech, writing, comprehension, and math are controlled by the left side. For the rest, creativity and the arts are controlled by the right side. In my views, only one side of my brain is dominant. It should be my left-cerebrum or right-cerebrum? Let find out.


body 1 = Right-brained 

When I thought about the right hemisphere, it's about art, imaginary, and creativity. I got involved in art a little bit when I was young. For example, I enjoyed painting plaster dolls with watercolour but I was not good at it. Moreover, I attended dulcimer class when I was in kindergarten together with my older-sister, although, only my sister completed the class. Back then I thought playing instruments is so hard for me, I had to remember music notations and took a lot of effort to play it. That was the reason why I can not play any instruments.

When I was in university, my worst subject was drawing subject, I had grade C. I realized that I am not good at imaginary and creativity even if I tried.


body 2 = Left-brained

Generally, I have been intently involved in mathematics when I studied engineering. I have loved mathematics since I was in elementary school, that was the reason why I decided to study engineering. Because of loving mathematics, I enjoyed studying calculus, physic, mechanic, and dynamic. What's more, I still use mathematics and logic in my working life as an engineer. Especially I have to do a pre-calculation document every single time before I submit my job, to make sure it will not a loss order. So far I believe that mathematics is useful in decision making not only in my working life but also my daily life.


In conclusion, I barely have creativity and artistic skills, on the other hand, I am more into mathematics and logic. So I consider my left-cerebrum is more dominant, due to my job and my fascination with mathematics.


  1. Hi Saibpan,
    Your experience about mathematics reminded me about some of my friends. They are good at mathematics, and they are working as an engineer. For me, I think boys are better at math than girls. In my high school or university, most of the students who earns high scores on math are boys. Some told me that boys are less emotional than girls. I was quit agree with the ideas at that time, but when I read your essay I need to change my mind and ask if you can share your trips on study math.
    At that time, I had hard times with math. The mathematical rules made me confused. For example, when I studied rules of basic math such line number, addition, subtraction, etc, I had a question such as why we need to know line number, what for, etc. With the questions raised, I wanted to find out the reason of the rules. Some of my friends said that if you know the story behind the rules, it won’t help you be good at math—it is like driving a car, you know how all of the engines work, it won’t help you be good at driving. So I had to memorize and apply the rules of math with my questions.

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    1. As Yo has learnt, you can't edit a comment after it's published. What I usually do is not worry about small mistakes, or add a reply to my own comment if I need to.

  3. Hi Saibpan,

    While I was reading your story, it reminded me of my experience in music and instrument class. When I studied in grade 9, I had to learn about how to play a keyboard. However, I do not make it well as I thought because controlling my fingers to put on the keyboard is too complicated. I cannot separate my brain to conduct my left and right hands. Therefore, I agreed with you that playing an instrument is so extremely difficult.

    Furthermore, I totally agreed with your word, “math is useful in work-life”. As I said that I am working in the legal practice, I still have to adopt the logic of math in my product. When I have a math exam, I always rethink my answer two or three times to verify the correctness. Math helps me to become a discreet person, and it really useful for my career because I always recheck my works many times before I publish them.


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