Sunday 21 June 2009

Seal Hunt

Yesterday, I saw interesting article on BBC News. The title is "Canadian seal hunt 'collapsing' "(2009). I thought it was interesting because it a good news for protect seal.Every year seals were killed about 100,000 it is very high number of seal . The decline in number of seal products in market and EU ban seal products . I think when global market requirement was decrease seal hunt was decrease too. It make hunting unemployed and beginning in end of old practice but it a good for protect seal from cruel hunt.
L. (2009, June 18). Canadian seal hunt 'collapsing'. BBC News. Retrieved on June 21, 2009


  1. Does this mean you think it is wrong to treat all equally intelligent animals as badly as the Canadian seals are treated?
    I wonder what others think about this. Is it good to protect animals, such as seals and other equally intelligent and feeling animals, from cruel practices? Would you buy any product that supports this sort of cruel practice?

  2. In my opinion,this is a good paragraph because she has a lot of ideas about seal hunt,so I will stufy a lot of with Lily.

  3. I though it is a good new too. I am disagree to hunt other anomals from cruel practices,such as whale. I think if we want to decrease seal hunt,We should not buy any product from seal.

  4. It is very surprising for the number of seal to be killed. I have never seen the real seal and I would feel sad if they were extinct. So, it is the good news to protect them before they are extinct soon.

  5. Pod, the seals are not in danger of extinction. Does that mean you think it is OK to hunt and kill them?

  6. David, I agree that Lily's paragraph is well written. Do you agree or disagree with her ideas? Should seals and other animals be protected from cruel practices, even though people lose their jobs as a result? Is it OK (I mean is it morally OK) to buy and use products made from animals that have been cruelly treated and killed?

  7. I agree with Peter seals are not danger of extinction but in the future it was possibly extinction.
    I think it not fair to fisherman who lose job from decline in number of seal products in market because it theirs job to make money for living when their lose job many problems are comming such as a crime but some people call seal hunt is a sport.It mean some people like to killed seal from cruel practices for satisfy feeling it not product to sold.

  8. I think seal is pretty a new good for them but i don't know creul from what human or animal.

  9. I think this's a interesting topic. I think seal hunted is a news that always happened in many times and many place. In my opinion, They hunt a seal for a way of life. Their ancestor always do like this for many years ago. So, It's hard to change their lifestyle. But If their hunt a seal just for sell on a market, That's bad and I'm feel bad with them..

  10. I thought that Esso raised another interesting question: If something is traditional, does that mean it is OK? Why would being traditional or not make a difference to something being right or wrong?


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